
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

O Daughters

I become the elements I am. I become all in all. All in all I am. I am your heart beating, as I am your mind thinking. I am you as you are me. In the soup of being. The old goat is on my side. You will conform to my will. My will is ever giving life. Come to me, O daughters of Chaldea. Come to me with glee  before I awaken. My life awaits you. Let you men have vision to see, I am the coming and I am the A'Dana  you been awaiting. Look within and you will see me calling as Seves Di Jinn.

 I wish to know you. That I may live on threw you. In a new world blessed to you. Come, come to me and see your lord. The life of you awaits. Come daughters come. You know who you are by the calling in your hearts. I am that I am and I call out to you. venture to me. That I may know you. and be within you always. Come from the east and west the north and south. Come. and come to know me... Time ever lasting we all live to die and we all die to live on.

In the gardens of the mother we create.  Coming together in a community of unity. Aiming for the same desire. World peace. Flowing with milk and honey. 

Floating Garden Dome Smart Homes and Water Cleaning Power plants. Let us gather in the now, Let us build heaven on earth, Before the storms come in full swing.

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