
Chapter One - The One

You have a right to read these words, you also have the right to stop reading at any time you want. You could stop reading if you wanted to... Read with an open mind, some material may be offensive on religious belief. Intended as a work of fiction out of imagination. 

(All but the G.D.H. & W.C.P.P.)
I don't want you to believe in me, believe in the designs.
Believe in the light

Chapter One

The One

 In the beginning there was the one. The one became lonely and split it's self in two. Male and female God and Goddess, out of the two came all life living from then til now, The spark of the heavenly creation. the infinity symbol, is a twisted circle  to form two circles in one. Infinity being the path between here and there. That which we call life and death of the flesh. The circle of life always beginning and never ending just transformation from one form into the next form. from one body to the next body, life after life we leap frog threw time. Our spirits return threw our descendants, For generations we return as our own grandchildren and great grand children.

 The infinity to me is a spark of energy flowing in a twisted circle. the energy seemingly flowing back and forth forming two circles. round and round the energy goes back and forth splitting its first physical cell in two. Forming a heart beat into  the physical world. and in 9 months a body of flesh is born with a spiritual body of light forming around the physical body.

 As we grow, learning the new physical form. experiencing what life has to offer the flesh and its spiritual nature. That we are more then flesh. that we were created in light before we were created in flesh. That we are living stars of energy dressed in flesh

 As the two begin spreading life in a foreword out motion in all direction they started getting smaller and smaller. With every orb of light. giving of them selves til they became children of creation them selves. and they walk as we walk and grow as we grow, because they are us. We are the God and Goddess split into an uncounted number of life formations.

 He is within us all as a spark of energy beating hearts into life to draw breath.  We are here to experience life in all its splendor and glory in creation. The flesh is a way to experience both sides the coin. both the spiritual and the physical. The light energies of spirit and the dark tones of flesh holding a spec of light within the breast of a beating heart.

 The heart is the center of being. It extends into a body of  flesh, glowing with life in bright apple greens and royal blues. You can tell how clean a person is spiritual by how transparent  the flowing colors of their aura. seeing into another aura is like seeing into a persons personal life story. As we are considered living books in the form of  living stars. collecting informational experiences stored up in the aura for future reviewing.

The Living Star

 The living star is the human being before being dressed in flesh. An orb, a seed into creation as the unborn and body-less. and floating around in the ether as an orb. Baby spirits are orbs never been born to flesh. Once an orb is placed in the trinity. Father, Mother, Child... the spark of light codes called DNA go to work. The orb is the start light energies. with out it child birth would not be. it is the spirit of being. A spark of the original light.
It is here we want to return to. The core of your being. Here is where we find out all kinds of things. Mainly about self. 

Knowing thy self from faults to strengths. 

 Being born the first time from orb to body. the energy of the light orb fills the two parts of DNA and adds information to the codes. 
Trinity born in flesh. 
The light energy extends out around the flesh forming the body of light. harder to see on children as they are fresh and clean and with out sin blemishes in the aura. The aura is the energy extending out from the body of light. creating an egg shape sphere of light. the older we get the more it blemishes threw the acts of experiencing life, threw the choices we make. Our actions and memory is stored up in the aura, the aura is the soul and the soul is all we know, forming a brilliance of colors boiling and reforming. in motion like fluid reacting to the emotional energy being generated at the present moment in time. all of what we do is stored here in the settle light of memory.

To Recall
 Mind memory and spiritual memory. Mind memory is what we recall from the mind. Spiritual memory is the memory we recall from DNA light codes. it contains memories of every life ever lived threw generations. I hear some people call it aw'caw'shic records. 

 The ability of recall memory is important. The faster you can recall memory the faster hand spells can be cast. A good spell is memorized using hand jesters in generating energy. The faster you can recall signals of energy, the faster you can release. The energy is commanded by intentions, voice energy and breath (chi) is pressed into the extending energy from the frictions of signals. 
 It is the combination of energies. Like a recipe forming each spell. as each spell is assembled in order and practiced,  

 Like a recipe forming each spell. 
 As spell casters should know how to manipulate the astral energies flowing in the unseen around us. In gaining our 3rd sight, we open up and the unseen becomes seen on different levels of vibration in light formation of energy in the ether.
Learning to manipulate these light settle energies allows easier creation in the webbing fabric of the realms. The webbing fabric is the golden silvery light that trained eyes see out in the space before us in the unseen and seen. Light energies webbing every thing together. Learning to push and pull these energies makes magic real. A thing to be performed and unspoken. There is a value to the formation of words.

A Book to keep record
It is a second hand memory to keep your magical workings in script. Scripting signals in the form of symbols based on your own findings. Every one who hops into the rabbit whole soon finds out the value of symbols. They are identifying to mark areas of work. 
 Script in your dreams as dreams hold key information, holding value to your magical workings. 
Keeping close records will be helpful to you and your adapts as you grow to be a mentor. Teaching the ways threw the maze of the unseen as a master.

Dreams is a very useful tool to be mastered in a lucid state of mind. Lucid is a state of mind where we realize we are dreaming. In this state we can begin to control our dream state. Flowing threw the aura in a lucid state of mind is where dreams are generated threw our daily living. It is where we resolve  underlying emotional problems. Yet it is a place where we can generate beautiful dreams. Overview ideas and thought formation. When we reach a full lucid state of mind. Reality may bend in assorted ways. Coming to a point where sleep seems non-existent and the ability to tell what is dream and what is reality becomes distorted.
 We can fly in our dreams. Yet we may fall in our waking reality. As most energies in magic are settle energies in light formation. and the rules to the dream world do not apply in the physical world. do not make the mistake of flying off a cliff in your waking state of conscience.

The idea of magic is achieving your dreams in the physical world, threw creation on the astral and mental planes. Then to practice by putting dream to paper creating life spells. Transferring dreams to reality. Its all done by magical operation. Every detail in life is magically generated out of the ether astral. all energy is source energy.
When we take the steps in learning source from within. This becomes sorcery. Sorcery by my definition is the practice of source manipulation. Using mind over matter with active centers. Aligned and fully flowing threw out the entire being. As energy flows around the body in a circle, forming an apple around a living star. 

Manipulation is the foundation

Manipulating the source energies using personal chi and the force generated at 6 points in the body of light. These are what I call healing centers. and they can be located in the palms of the hands and feet. two more at the hips known as sexual connection centers. The center are projective as well as receptive of light energies. Learning to see threw your hands on a receptive level, while practicing to project energy. this can be done with the physical eyes as well. One eye is receptive while the other eye is projective. Receiving and projecting energy can be helpful in several ways. Here we are just learning the functions and possibilities in creation from source. Mainly. The souls of your feet is very useful when revitalizing with the mother. We call Earth mother because of her sacrifice in the elements it took to create the human formation. You can find the mother presences in all living beings. Animals to bugs is the conscience of the mother who gave birth to your body. It is respectful to honor your mother and father.

We are created by intelligent design. By the same intelligence you hold in mind. Yet creators were formed over time. The ancient beings and green tablets guide the way into better understanding. I will link Thoth in the postings and you can read the text for your self. 

Becoming a god on earth is easy. All you need is the will to rule others into submission. Will is key to all magic. The will to live. The will to think and walk, talk. Do as ye will. the ability to do in willingness to do.

Become the will is feeling with all emotion at once and then pushing in a foreword positive direction to generate the means of creation. Imagination plays a role in creation. To create something out of nothing at all. Simply by thinking it into existence. and we can accomplish this by means of sorcery. The manipulation of energies in thinking. Forming thought formations and seeding them out into the world. Finding the best soils to seed into. Planting ideas and watering them. coxing them tangible in the minds of others. When more then one mind concentrates on the same idea it becomes stronger. and light energies build up faster, bringing the desired results.
Creating is more then just thinking. It is applying your thinking in a way that suits to fit. and is held together by your will to see it come into reality.

 Another form of creation is thought forming. A thought formation is a collection of thoughts brought together by more then one thought with the same energy vibration and in likeness they attract. Coming together and merging the energy of both or more thoughts. When thought forms merge in natural forming. They become intelligent and start hunting for like thinking. As birds of the same feather come together to make a flock. all together forming one embodiment of energy. Like animals and monsters on the astral. They as well can be hunted for their energy in thinking... This light energy formation can be attracted to tools made on the physical plane. Such as staffs and wands can be used as batteries to store these energies. all energy is transformable threw manipulation. Changing the formation of thought into tangible energy to cause affect on the physical planes. such as an example as pulling lightening out of the skies during thunder storms standing on mountain tops.

Iron scepter

The iron scepter, a rod used to dance with the lightening. Conjuring storms at will by changing the temperatures in the desired area. It is by will and deep desire in manipulation. The energy it takes is a sum more then most can handle. By drawing energy up threw the body from the souls of your feet you can add energy into storms. To do this one must have the ability to feel the energies of the astral out side their aura. If you can not leave your body, you can not dance. You can burn your self out and it could take many years to regain the energies spent. In conjuring any thing. Be sure to fill your tanks and reserves.

You can open and maintain personal gates between here and there using tools created like the scepter and wand, the staff.

Astral 0
middle plane

 Gate ways of the mind can open into the astral realms, planes and dimensions.  on sub levels of vibration of light energies. The webbing is like a curtain, that can be pulled back by matching the vibrations using your projective hand to assimilate the energies vibration. By matching the vibration you can match the density.  This allows you to grab the webbing and enter threw and once threw, the webbing closes behind you. 

Open a circle and use it magically as a sphere in the astral or your best bet is the black room. This takes personal energy as all magic costs personal energy. Personal energy can be recharged threw rest and rest alone. by using it and recharging it, it begins to grow like a muscle. Growing stronger and stronger. first few times you use personal energy it physically hurts showing up as pain in different parts of the physical body. yet there is nothing wrong. Headaches for no reason and sharp pains out of no where. The more you work personal energy the easier it gets. It helps recharging, walking bear foot on the mother in clean soils.

Astral Levels

Fine light energies

Dense light energies

We are at 0 living a normal life closed off to the spiritual realms of the astral and ether as every thing is created within the ether of space in the heavens above, because we are there and here below at the same time. spiritually we are there and physically we are here. There is the ether where the heavens and hell is generated by human thinking. Dreaming in the aura awaiting to be awoken on the astral to cross the abyss and the great deep known as the void between. Not only heaven and hell exist after life and before life as death only exists with flesh when it returns to the mother. Our spirit blooms and is reborn by choice. and our body transforms in renewing life on earth in the living garden called Eden.

By manipulating our own light energy we can rise threw the levels vibrating higher. It feels like floating and as you match the next level of vibration things become tangible to a point of feeling physical. 

Bringing your energy down in light energy you have a sinking feeling, Like the life is being drawn from you. things become slower and it feels as if your sinking into death and decay torment and sorrow. Faster and faster the sinking feeling forms around you. feels like there is no air and every thing around you, wants to eat you.

Think of 0 as being earth and going under the dirt is minus and above the ground in the air is plus and place your self in the unseen. Where you can see into the astral the ground is not solid nether is the air liquid. Picture your self in an ever changing fluid that forms physically around you. it changes as your thinking is being generated around you.

Mind your thinking   

Mind your thinking as your thinking is being generated around you. at 0 we call this dreaming. When we progress out of the aura we call this plus 1 or minus 1 and it is in the form of lucid dreaming where as plus two we are astral projecting into the earths atmosphere called the astral realms and +3 and beyond is complete out of body into the ether.  A silver cord threading you to your physically body attaching to your body of light. to keep memory of these experiences you must bridge your conscience to your body of light. Exercise your lucid dreaming.  Opening different parts of your physical mind allowing memory to be recalled from recorded events. Bridging your conscience threw lucid dreaming by opening doors in your mental thinking. 

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