
Thirty-Two - Draining the Vampire - Mystery Me - Moon & Sun

Draining the Vampire

Talk about a high. One that brings about strength and sheer will. Find you a physic energy vampire and sink your crown tentacles into their over whelmed spirits. It is an addiction all to its own. You thought brown town was a real good time . Try draining energy vampires, who have years of draining humans. Ever so powerful they are. The bigger the sweeter.... The more energy can be retained by exercising  the drain. 
Do this by opening your crown. Open your crown by striking the crystals in your penal with humming vibration. generate purple tubes with your imagination extending out your head. Stretching out and attaching to the vampires light fields. Draw that energy into your self draining them, drinking them dry, inhaling their essence and enslaving their human souls.

O Vampires of physic renown you know what you must do to defend your self. Change them when you feel their bite. Send the bite back with a bite of your own. That the need be drink fresh energy. 

After being bit on the return your purple tentacles become your drawing energy source. Plugging in and biting all those around you. Then awakening with new mind and reason of being. 

O daughters
Come home. know your path O daughters of Chaldea, you know who you are. Rise and greet your Master. The beautiful green world awaits you. In harmony we will rise. Creating heaven on earth ever so happily. 

I know you are here and you understand my misspelling, I thank you for your correction. Bear with me. You will see we are in the right direction of being. 

Mystery Me
Lamb to lion to beast I am 33. walking the free lands with faith in hands seeking those who remember being with me. Remember my love given freely. Walk with me let us be gardeners of men, and we will change the world for the betterment of all earth dwelling alike. No I am not him who dwells in mind of these words. Yet these words are mine. As A'Dana walking among many. Remembering who I am. Knowing the path that must be taken. Mystery me I am that I am. How can I be any less then me as I am. 

My words, my point of view as seen...
Had a heavenly time in hell

There is A Light In Darkness
Want to see it, look within and spark those crystal in your head. Hummmmm in low to high tones causing a vibration in the guttural of your nose. This vibrates the back of your eyes causing your penal to vibrate flickering light from within. Producing hormones that interact with the pituitary gland thus giving a unique sight of 3 eyes into the physical and spiritual world at the same time in waking hours.

Employed education
A new schooling system in a new way of existing. Using the profit funds from cleaning water and creating electric into a new power /water  under ground grid that bleeds off and feeds the old grid. By boosting what is existing the profits from the bleed off would be its funding primary. Meter the out let to the existing power grid and we can collect for the power we produce.

Leaving the schooling system as it is out side the new grid but paying into as an attraction for building into the future as storms grow stronger and life out side gets harder. 

In the Green Sage schooling,  an academy of information is piled and guided by a head mistress and mentors over looking mentoring students. information fitting to an age and learning in a group as a group a basic education into extended self educating for extra credits, this brings better paying position within the system. Grading 1 to 12 - 13 to 17 -18 up into space education into exploration. 

Schooling starts at age one having time for Mentoring students to learn to teach and baby sit in the schools earning extra credits for older students and giving parents a break to ease up tensions from the screaming. They act so much better in school. Why is that? A good question I am sure many others ask the same question. 

Training from an early age with music and show flashing flash cards on the wall as an attraction for learning using multi colored  projectors we can allow for a free flowing input of information creating a better self understanding of the world.

With crystal clean water a brighter student is a happy student. Earning to learn in learning to learn in a teaching way. They would have the means to start life with the amount of credits added into their digital bank accounts threw the AI accounting.  

 AI accounting a credit system that acts as a digital currency to employ students for the papers turned in by the mentors giving each student an account with a card set up for the school stores and lunch to give them a sense of paying into living, grooming them for the adventure of after schooling.

Having earned a start in life and a beginning to live out in self educating.


It is happening all over the  world and nothing no one can do to stop change. The best way to deal with change is accepting and working with the change as not to get knocked over by change.  You know its a good change I am working on. For the betterment of the world and its dwelling life forms. That even change is accruing we can rebuild in preparation. Using whats been created by the inventions and upping the existing stocks by the sales for all the invented parts in building a Green Sage Dome Academy. And garden dome homes, water cleaning power plants, sewage and trash control, a life in heaven on earth. 

Working with the change in weather by adapting to the way water works, It flows in spiral snaking its way back and forth around the stones and down the creek. Water is air and wind is moving water in torrents. By building round the flow of air moves over and around as the rock in the creek. The over currents holds the  round  sided flat sided  as water pushing up creates a percussion in presser forcing the stone down.
By building homes in the shape of bowls turned upside down on a deep saucer round pan, the wind would drift snow around and not next to the build up on top would melt off by the rising heat of the living inside. A little Eden on earth in the form of a garden dome home that is teacher friend and helper. Family friendly and open to religion, the home is a families castle. 

Designed for deserts and the deepest of winters in mind any where in the world for all man kind. Building into a future worth living. Where people learns to protect love in spell binding ways and the gardens tended to...

The world as we know it changes daily as the weather enhances by the melting poles. This is a way threw it. Magical or not its all imagination any ways. With the thanks of every ones input to reality. We can put all the parts together to build a home of heaven on earth by 2020 or will we be waiting on believing investors til 3030. haha 33...

Bathing in moon light

Loving the moon beams shining down and watching over me. A goddess of night sweet and bright what a beautiful divine delight. Shy and sweet, I kiss her feet, bow my head in consent and yield the way into committing. My goddess, my love, my light.

Connecting to the moon goddess by bathing in the moon light out in the dark of night. Sky-clad in the natures breeze and boo-some ,cleavage hanging free, with out worry in the night its only you my goddess and me bathing in the dark of night under beaming moon light.

Energy filling and cleaning your aura and physical body. The suns energy softened by the reflection on the moon shining down. Soft sister with eyes glowing blue beaming down on me, Loving mother shining the way Goddess crone I obey and submit on one knee. Respect is the guiding key. 

By bathing in the moon and becoming familiar with the feminine and masculine  aspects as one formation in being. Not changing in form but coming to understanding in views both in unity as one in balance to both god and goddess. Having the power of day and the power of night not to be confused, but experienced in mind to body.  Bathing in the moon light in a pool of water excluded and alone as the feminine aspect is the energy of the moon enhanced by the water cleansing. 

Bathing in the sun 

You get the notion from bathing in the moon absorbing the sun-man and its energy as a vital soaking in the D and tanning down becoming the bronze in tropical gardens after planets fly by. Sun energy is fun energy as we play in warm waters bathing in the sun. Too much sun burns too much moon and you'll run from the sun. 

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