Plant extractions
Plants like mimosa are key plants opening the mind to the universe of spiritual existence. The Egyptian Blue Water Lilly, Used spiritually and abused physically for it's feel good. The Lotus crown blooming and fully connecting into the spiritual realms of the heavens above. Into the atmosphere and out into the ether of space beyond time.
Seeking wisdom, generating power of will. Becoming more then flesh, opening to the spiritual realms, we climb out of our body with ease. Glowing in body of light walking threw the darkness of the void into the burning fires of the abyss. The cleansing fires burning away life blemishes. Returning to innocence. Becoming the spiritual seed of life once more. Viewing your self from the core of you.
Returning with hard facts that we were always more then flesh. We are ever lasting light energies. Existing in spirit and flesh, back and forth, round and round we go.
There are many plant keys into the spiritual realms. They actually open you up to the spiritual nature around us. Pertaining it is the spiritual we are seeking. Other wise it is just a trip. As it will trip you out until you get your feet. Even then it is a trip to walk around seeing the unseen.
In these states of mind every thing around you is seen as living energy with a conscience intelligence. Like trees would say hello to people passing by. If you acknowledge the tree and say hello back, You may be stuck there for a while hugging the tree in conversation.
Is this behavior called for in the public square of town. Perhaps not. But for one learning to walk in both the physical realms and the spiritual realms. Yes in privet it would be called for. Speaking with the spirits is a part of it. You are in communion with nature its self. This is not crazy, it is beautiful. How many people can talk to plants and understand the vibration as English? every one, should they take the time to listen.
Using keys to open your centers, all of them bloom out with beautiful patterns of light energy in their transparent colors burning brightly, forming a glowing light around the body. That flows around in a ring. The taura / aura fields of the physical and spiritual bodies of the human form.
There are many plant keys holding DMT which is what we seek out in an assortment of plants. It opens the crown releasing the conscience into the cosmos.
The whole idea is becoming more spiritually enlightened. To know that which is beyond the physical.
Using keys is like a short cut. Used by many spiritual leaders threw out the ages.
Mushrooms is another key into the spiritual reality around us. It opens us up spiritually. Enabling us to walk with the gods and demons.
Different plants open us up to different realms and there are levels to realms. Degrees of vibration from each planet to space and every sun to each planet. Some take us to pacific realms like the above below the heavens of the under worlds, full of realms and planes with levels of existence.
Earth has levels with planes in realms teaming with intellectual life. There are time zones with day and night. All that is on earth is in light in the atmosphere. In a spiritual plane of existence.
Earth is full of natural portals along the fault lines. Around Volcanoes and areas of high magnetism and all around the equator with its up and down triangles aligning with the pyramids of the world around.
We can feel out these areas, where gate ways open and close as energy fluctuates with the whirl of the world. Night and day, positive and negative energies.
Going to these places while using keys opens you up to the unseen portion. You could map out the portals in your area. Finding some beings have a natural ability to pass threw the portals in whole. Where as some portals we can physically pass threw transformation never to return. Again some times its like passing threw a door way and the door way fades into nothing. Every thing seems the same but now its different. Or your seeing differently. Even though your still in the same plane and realm your in a different level of existing.
Passing threw one of these doors, your life changes around you. Old friends fade away, as new friends come into your life. Not because you did things wrong, because you did it right. Magical attraction will pull like minded people into your life. Now that you are vibrating at a different level. Those vibrating differently will fade out of your life. while those on the same level of vibration will start attracting you.
We can open these gates using a magical circle as a space of magical workings. keeping the open gate protected by the magical circle, holds the inner entities in that space. Using a triangle, we can summons these entities within our selves, where a battle of wills takes place. By over coming the entities will. We can digest them, feasting on their light energies, transforming them into your own. Like food, You can grow in strength and energy.
Using keys to open into the happy hunting grounds of native belief. A place indeed as real as heaven. The forests are full of game. And they do consume as they would consume on earth. Life there is very much like life here. The difference is no one ages. They are the age they feel. Going there, if you feel like your 7, you look as you did when you was seven. That goes for any age. The age you feel is the age you exist in.
The heavens is for every one who believes in heaven. If you believe in hell. Then that belief will direct your actions which puts you in a state of mind. The hell you believe in is the hell you exist in.
It truly has every thing to do with belief. You believe in your magic because you know it is real. You have confidence seeing your magic in action. This gives power into what you believe. Your actions bring your mental thinking into reality.
Using keys to open you into a new way of existing on a verity of levels passing threw plans and realms gaining wisdom, threw the experiences we have on other planes.
Spiritual planes we visit, in the mental planes, would seem very physical. Yet are very much light. Some vibrating at gross levels others at finer levels. Light shining at different gross levels in density.
visiting other planes, times are different. Some time moving faster then other time. Time on different levels, ages the spirit faster or slower...
There are many plant keys holding DMT which is what we seek out in an assortment of plants. It opens the crown releasing the conscience into the cosmos.
The whole idea is becoming more spiritually enlightened. To know that which is beyond the physical.
Using keys is like a short cut. Used by many spiritual leaders threw out the ages.
Mushrooms is another key into the spiritual reality around us. It opens us up spiritually. Enabling us to walk with the gods and demons.
Different plants open us up to different realms and there are levels to realms. Degrees of vibration from each planet to space and every sun to each planet. Some take us to pacific realms like the above below the heavens of the under worlds, full of realms and planes with levels of existence.
Earth has levels with planes in realms teaming with intellectual life. There are time zones with day and night. All that is on earth is in light in the atmosphere. In a spiritual plane of existence.
Earth is full of natural portals along the fault lines. Around Volcanoes and areas of high magnetism and all around the equator with its up and down triangles aligning with the pyramids of the world around.
We can feel out these areas, where gate ways open and close as energy fluctuates with the whirl of the world. Night and day, positive and negative energies.
Going to these places while using keys opens you up to the unseen portion. You could map out the portals in your area. Finding some beings have a natural ability to pass threw the portals in whole. Where as some portals we can physically pass threw transformation never to return. Again some times its like passing threw a door way and the door way fades into nothing. Every thing seems the same but now its different. Or your seeing differently. Even though your still in the same plane and realm your in a different level of existing.
Passing threw one of these doors, your life changes around you. Old friends fade away, as new friends come into your life. Not because you did things wrong, because you did it right. Magical attraction will pull like minded people into your life. Now that you are vibrating at a different level. Those vibrating differently will fade out of your life. while those on the same level of vibration will start attracting you.
We can open these gates using a magical circle as a space of magical workings. keeping the open gate protected by the magical circle, holds the inner entities in that space. Using a triangle, we can summons these entities within our selves, where a battle of wills takes place. By over coming the entities will. We can digest them, feasting on their light energies, transforming them into your own. Like food, You can grow in strength and energy.
Using keys to open into the happy hunting grounds of native belief. A place indeed as real as heaven. The forests are full of game. And they do consume as they would consume on earth. Life there is very much like life here. The difference is no one ages. They are the age they feel. Going there, if you feel like your 7, you look as you did when you was seven. That goes for any age. The age you feel is the age you exist in.
The heavens is for every one who believes in heaven. If you believe in hell. Then that belief will direct your actions which puts you in a state of mind. The hell you believe in is the hell you exist in.
It truly has every thing to do with belief. You believe in your magic because you know it is real. You have confidence seeing your magic in action. This gives power into what you believe. Your actions bring your mental thinking into reality.
Using keys to open you into a new way of existing on a verity of levels passing threw plans and realms gaining wisdom, threw the experiences we have on other planes.
Spiritual planes we visit, in the mental planes, would seem very physical. Yet are very much light. Some vibrating at gross levels others at finer levels. Light shining at different gross levels in density.
visiting other planes, times are different. Some time moving faster then other time. Time on different levels, ages the spirit faster or slower...
We are seeking the inner worlds that exist out side our selves. The use of herbs, plants and mushrooms. are key ways into spiritual realms of existence. We must go within our selves, In order to find our way out of body and into spiritual body. Once in spiritual body, we can explore out of body. It is different and the same. I leave my body all the time. Exploring the worlds of the atmosphere. Meeting the entities living there/here.
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