
Introduction - Hello my name is Dana Lyn Bidlake,

I follow the light of spiritual heart,
 A morning Star,
 walking threw the darkness of human religion

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My cause is clean water and floating homes with gardens
I will pray for your soul, to keep your ass dry, in wet days to come.

Hello my name is Dana Lyn Bidlake, I was born march 3rd in 1972 here in Lewiston Idaho. From there my parents Moved us to a little village called Wolverine Michigan. My early fond memories of the far past... running around fishing and camping, Playing with nature spirits and elementals  and the wee people of the forest

Growing up with a feeling that I was different then most people. I seen and heard things and I went threw things that later on I learned to get threw. Life it takes us down many different paths. Each path has its lessons to be learned threw experiences.

Stepping on to a magical line to walk on between here and there. learning to see with spiritual eyes   and spiritual ears to hear and see within the unseen realms we exist in. under and over laying the physical realms by fragments of time.

This book is a wonder threw the mirror down in the rabbit whole where life is completely magical. Down to the scrying well to have a look see in and out into the living world around us.

The rabbit whole is a passage of information leading out to many different out comes, threw the many paths of the whole information put together in one heaping pile of nothing. fleeting info dose no one no good.

When stepping onto the magical line and seeing your real shadow for the first time, your shadow being the sum of your earthly deeds. The many colors fading in and out boiling around in cloud like formations, All flowing in the form of an upside down egg. This shadow, we are first noticing is our aura fields. which is the soul and the soul is the sum of your experiences stored up in the aura.

Threw meditation we can become lucid in our dreaming. when practicing source we want to stay in a lucid state of mind seeing in both sides at once. Being in a lucid state of mind helps bridge between here and there. By bridging I mean keeping an open line to your conscience mind and body of light mind. Bridging memory is useful when you want to remember your deep diving.

In this book I am going to allow my full active imagination to flow freely, filling as many pages as I can. Hoping that some one will find it useful in one form or another. In these pages you will experience visions and dreams, magical workings to follow along with. You will learn the basics to spell casting.

Elementals and the unseen worlds and realms all around us, hidden away by untrained eyes seeing only into the physical world.. its when we light up our 7 energy centers and our 6 healing glands. When we activate our spiritual energy centers a whole new world lights up, a whole new reality to live. Once you open these gates, there is no turning back. the gates close and disappear right before your eyes. A whole new life is at hand, A spiritually magical life. A life that can go into darkness or a life that can flow into light realms

Learning to control the cause and affect energies of words spoken into reality. Manifesting the desired results threw words spoken into living reality. I use "living" in the since that every thing is alive with energy. energy that can be directly affected. All energy is one energy at different vibrations and density to its form. In magical terms light energies cut deeper then dense energies.
On a numbered scale 1 to 10 starting at 0 as the center point. one to ten on a positive (meaning light) and one to ten on a negative (meaning dense). Standing at 0 on the scale we look up into different levels of light energy the higher on the scale each number being a different realm with in the same body of astral space. The higher you go the finer and faster the vibration. The lower you go below 0 the darker reality becomes. the denser the energies and the slower the energy goes.

On the astral you will find learning your energy abilities easier then trying to eye site them. learning that one ability to see auras and the settle light energies that form around the human body. and inch or so above the skin, generally glowing blue white transparent light. this is your body of light and the aura extends from that. Keeping a lucid state of mind helps allow sight and sound of the unseen. the energies that flow threw the unseen being seen. This allows to manipulate and play with the flow of source energy. This can be very destructive as well as helpful to any individual seeking the occult. It is in the nature of how they tend to use the flow.

I am a good guy, looking to do good deeds for good deeds, so worlds needs are met in kindness. One who follows the heart and instinct. Taking nature into consideration and learning source magic to find new ways out of old days. Diving deep into the other side the scrying well. Seeking to know thy self and my limitation. Learning my strengths and weaknesses... Working out my (will) muscle. The "will" of ones nature must be strong. The ability to do as thy will in the magical world is an ability one should practice whole heartily. the will is what moves you threw thinking on the astral, from one realm to the next.
We will our selves threw existence from the creation of your flesh dividing that first cell into a heart beat til that heart stops and then life begins new with a new cell to divide and be reborn fresh to live threw it one more time.

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