
Chapter Twenty-one - Two Pillars

Music to read by
Celtic Dark Pagan Chants Witches Beautiful Music Mix

Two Pillars 

 Lets step off into a black and white world. One with amazing minds open to the possibilities of new realities. Abiding the gate way of God and Goddess, Making a black pillar representing the receptive feminine, A white pillar as a projective masculine. A gray arch combining the two in union in creation. A smoldering alter made of iron with burners under. Used for sweetening the air with aroma allows our guests a visible formation. Burning roots and herbs such as sages and sweet grasses, mushrooms, so much more. Oils from different plants shall be added to open you up into the realm of spiritual existence. Finding what works for you. I suggest burning DMT on your altars as this directly effects your system of spiritual centers. We are not aiming to fully trip out. The idea is to open your system with control staying in the body yet seeing into the realms we are opening up to.

 Behind the pillars we would paint it squarely black to fit the arches, appearing to be a black empty space on each corner a small white dot getting smaller giving depth to the emptiness, Candles on both sides the color fits the tradition. My preference is the stability of black. Black candles amplifies all energy in a stable manner. It is a receptive color allowing a transparent body of energy to flow freely into the alter space. 

 Enchanting the pillars one male one female. imbuing them with the god heads. adding power sigils coiling like snakes around the pillar. These are representative of the God and Goddess energies. Invoking the gate and a star on the floor before the altar

 The magic behind this is in the artful creation of imagination put into the pillars. The enchanting is vocal energies set to work opening the vale between here and there. The trigger in working the pillars should be no more then lighting candles. The energy of the candles should always be directed to the pillars.

 The floor of the room should be checkered black and white all but the star its self. Which the stars inter would be flat black flat white with out reflection. Nothing should reflect any light. We don't what a shine reflecting energy into our workings. What we are looking for is a dull deepness that we can open up to, having the feeling of emptiness.  Of being in a decorated void, that goes on and on. With out a reflective surface to bounce energy around the room. All energy within this space should come under control of its working parts and no where else out side living beings. 

 The designing its self is a magical operation. The space becomes magical threw our workings, by the memories in ritual we are recorded in the materials of the room its self.         

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Books on stones & Crystals

 Putting enchanted crystals of an assortment in your scrying well energizes your spell force. The force of your well comes from the ingredients of your spells as you cast them. The well grows in force. Force is the excess energy looming in the water that adds up. Forcing energy is like pushing some one off the wall for a faster fall that hits harder... Crystals hold the looming force longer enhancing the wells force.

 Crystals in the bath have a soothing effect healing the body of light and dislodging hitch-hikers, or pucker-suckers clinging onto your aura feeding on your essence of memories, cling-on spirits influencing you into their old habits, Such as old smokers twanging on your physical desires and impulses unnerving you into smoking more or doing more or eating more. 
 Different crystals on different traditions, It is what works for you best. You hold the true meaning to your own spelling words, sigils and spells. You know what works best with your personal energies and understanding.  

 Quarts crystal tubes for directing energy held in the palm of the hand and extending it out like a finger from your fist. The energy center in the palms of your hands will be enhanced and directed by the crystal. Depending on the color of crystal is depending on the energy currents and effects as well as the intention of the desired manipulation. 
using stones them selves have power

 Carving sigils give the energy direction in the intentions enchanted in the sigil. Placing a release word or trigger for instant casting. Using the stones as a charged spell holder. After using the stone let it set in nature to recharge. The best stones for holding spiritual charge are pipe stone from the native quarries. 

I hold the highest respects in reference to the keepers. That the stone makes awesome medallions for good healing and protection 
Store is located on the way to the
 National Monument on 
400 N. Hiawatha Ave. in Pipestone, Minnesota. 

 This type of stone holds carving intentions. And the fact that the stone is fashionable into medallions with a simple file or dermal . Stones hold memory and laying them on your 3rd eye they will release their hidden secrets of the long ago past. As long as the stone exists it will continue to record its surroundings. All of every thing holds energy .
 Drinking love healing charged water from a crystal chalice with a topper. Energize the water by moon light or sun light. Giving the water the power of the God and Goddess of creation, Day light and night light hold masculine and feminine energies. and we can capture these energies using water. Liquids are like paper and voice is like the quill and ink. By placing a crystal in the chalice we can imprint spells directly threw the water charging the crystal its self.

Dream world

 I love the dream world. When you finely bridge memory, you can take control and fly threw the many planes and realms of the beautiful collectives. Getting threw the lucid state of mind and out into the actual astral. A mind blowing experience. the first time is always a dive, shocking your self awake.
 The best way for me was when laying down to sleep at night I would pick an object like my hands or a ball of light. I'd tell my self when I see my hands, I know I am dreaming. When my hands light up I know I am dreaming. When I see the window open I know I am dreaming. by repeating the phrase over and over before falling to sleep. When dreaming I would see my hands glowing and realize I was dreaming. The object is not to awaken. It is a semi shock to realize your actually dreaming. you will wake up saying wow. By doing this we are building a bridge of memory. Once we build the lucid bridge. We will stream the body of light memory to the physical brain memory. If we do not do this bridging. Then its just dreaming with out memory working on your daily issues. By recalling and writing down as soon as we wake up. we can hold the intention of lifting out of body. Bridging the memory, once its done its like riding a bike never forgotten. After practice you'll be able to lay down close your eyes and be here and there.

The Black Vale

 This is an enchantment spell cast over self or a whole community. It is a spell of protection rerouting spells back threw the energy signature that sent the spell. Not affecting the caster but directly affecting the space around the caster. 
The vale is used to hide in plane sight by manipulating the memory of those looking into the vale. Reflecting an empty space. Even seeing the person or community. In mind it is merely a blurred memory.
 The magical working of the vale is the enchantment cast on self, becoming a void in the space of memory. As eyes are receptive to suggestion as well as projective to suggestion. The hands as well are projecting stimulation in light formation to cause reaction threw the suggestions of the eyes. Projecting of emotions can easily distract the physical mind while the spiritual mind opens to the suggestion of not seeing.
 Your enchantment should start with scripting water with voice and emotion. Simmering the water in glass that magnifies light to its center. Even using a glass jar with a magnifying glass attached works. In preference of thick glass with tear drops that capture and direct sun light to its center. To bury its collecting jug under the dirt 3 foot down attaching a sealed hose. When the jug in the light is empty Pull the ground jug after dark. or in the full moon light. 
Draw a vale or the word vale with a circle around it, holding the thought of being un seen or un noticed what ever works best for your description of not seen. 
 By the stability of black candle light, burning power sigils in your working space you will find the enhancements to be a blessing. Creating a ripple effect in your sun cleaned water by allowing it to drip from one jar into the next jar. Enchanting the ripple as a rebound effect, sending the spell back with a jolt.  Spell binding the water to hold its effects.
 In this time frame with in a day an a night a 72 hour fasting is required only drinking empty distilled water before casting on self.  This day and night the black vale must be held in mind and directed and described in words. This is to be done over the water as it evaporates and as it drips. The vibration of voice holds the enchanting of the emotions that must be learned to recall. It is like cry on demand even to drip a tear. Recalling ejaculation or orgasm, so on and so forth. Emotions are the drive as feelings in motion and water is receptive to the emotional energy fields. With intention to drive back negative forces and bless blessings, The water memorizes the vibration of your personal voice and emotion holding the enchanted words held in song. 
 It is best to do this in privet as not to be distracted least you add in un wanted results, Working in an area such as a room set up just for magical workings. Your magical space for day and night workings.
The water has dripped threw and there is only only thing last to do. Raise the vale by drinking the water and visualizing with your imagination of a vale going up around you as it comes up around you it becomes black and you become a void in peoples minds. You become a reflection of what you created. In the memories of others you become the suggested enchantment, blessed to the water. It becomes a spell binding reflective. Sending the cast spells back along the personal signature energy, returning their spells is a good way of protecting your self and others. Threw the magical wars coming. When they send binding spells grab the cord or twine and fasten the end to the soul of your receptive foot. Stand fast as the binding spell is returned opening a spell portal. The binding spell will return binding the persons or powers or the what ever magic they are tenting to bind. 

 The more you put into it the more you get out of it. The deeper you dive the higher you fly.

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