Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History - Redone Real Narration
The Black Room
Building a room dedicated to playing in the astral realms, is a vital tool in my sorcery collection as we are learning to manipulate the source energies threw occult studies and mere practice by meditation. The black room is a room set up with out light or sound to blind as many physical senses as possible. In the black room we aim to block out sight and sound out side the sound our body makes. and to practice being in the room. Fasting for 24 hours before entering is wise but not necessary. although you could be interrupted by the physical bodily functions. bathing before is wise as well as 72 hours in a blacked out sound proof room. setting up a sound proof ventilation flowing clean air in and out with out notice.
All attention should be in the flickering of light. this is the crystals firing off in your penal gland and as it starts cracking open, you should hear a popping sound or clicking as this gland opens, it produces DMT which floods your pituitary gland, opening your 3rd eye and seeing threw the the peacocks tail. which in turn fires up your other five spiritual centers 7 in all. 7 glands in the physical body match up to the seven spiritual centers aligning to the 7 scrolls and seven candles and the opening of seals.
The black room is helpful when practicing sorcery as it allows us to open new pathways threw the mind connected to the physical world and merging into a spiritual. it is a training room allowing one to grow tangible on the spiritual realms. where the conscience can wonder freely.
Once we reach a physical lucid awake state. this is where one must take care mentally. You must have a strong will over your personal reality. in this state the beginning state of mind in the practice of sorcery. Our vibration tends to fall into the minus causing depression among other mental disorders. It is wise to find your weaknesses and strengths physically, as this will help with mental will.
Will is used to change what we see and how we see it as we see it. In a lucid state of mind at first you can not trust what you see till you have the eyes to see. To awaken in +1 is fun but to awaken in minus 1 not so fun. living on 0 has never been for me.
Serpent Fire
Drawing energy up threw the root to the crown of the 7 centers. a brilliance of energy and fornication, masturbation and wow stimulation. Talk about body orgasms. I see why people practice yoga. this energy is complete healing energy and opens the flow threw the spiritual center connections bringing your vibrations up and out your body and back around to your feet, free flowing round and round. the more you explore the nature of the serpent fire. the more you over come the rush of the flow the easier it gets to control.
Masturbation with intentions and visualization, directing the energy for positive reasons, such as making tools both physical and astral, armor and weapons can be fashioned to wield on both planes as well. It takes will to hold energy together in a way that it stays together. Practice will by minding your thinking and training it to be still as needed.
Still mind
The more your practice this at bed time, 10 - 20 minuets before sleep to start and build to an hour in creating an assortment of complex images in motion. As you work this mental muscle, you form abilities in the creation area of your mind. it's very handy on the astral to form a sword instantly in hand.
There comes a time when your practice begins turning on other mental abilities , Visions and awakening dreams that tend to happen in a close time frame. All of a sudden you know when people are fibbing. some times hearing other peoples thinking. (which is a real drag) and yet in a lucid state of mind you can not count on peoples thinking. as thinking is continuously changing like emotions. Like the colors of you aura. Your senses become vivid at night and during the day, the light may be brighter due to your excessive time in the dark.
Flashes of pictures in motion tend to get in the way of your normal seeing. then the voices get louder fading in and out at first, as you move along threw time. The more intense it gets. before you know it, the objects you pick up gives you information stored. Its like watching cartoons or movies that you can control (sometimes). Other times it feels as if some one or something is controlling the situation.
Finding your limitations and pushing your self just a little bit further each time. In doing so you can build up your confidence eliminating fear. Becoming stronger in wielding your will. The stronger your will is the stronger you are magically.
A good practice is finding a person to play the stare game. starring into each others eyes pushing thoughts back and forth. no blinking or looking away. It takes a lot of will not to blink or look away. may feel like a silly game. I assure you it is a practice building up eye skills.
Flashes of pictures in motion tend to get in the way of your normal seeing. then the voices get louder fading in and out at first, as you move along threw time. The more intense it gets. before you know it, the objects you pick up gives you information stored. Its like watching cartoons or movies that you can control (sometimes). Other times it feels as if some one or something is controlling the situation.
The practice of testing your abilities is like going out and doing field work. Start with your feelers feeling other people emotions, work with your insight by allowing your mind to flash images of certain people. This builds up your ability to direct the energy connection.
Scrying is a good form of practice in testing your abilities to read into the flashes your seeing and compare to the facts
Manipulating by thinking
To further test and work with abilities, we come to the hands and the healing spiritual glands. In the palm of the hands in the body of light we have energy centers. One hand is projective the other hand is receptive. Training your mind to see with your hands is one task that is very interesting. As you can see further into some one and things. almost like looking threw a wall but in levels or degrees.
using these glands you can send out energy beams. Attached to these beams you can send spells and thought formations. You can use the beam to manipulate energy centers of your enemies disrupting a system they know nothing of. Causing events to take place and malfunctions of the physical body.
Emotions play a big part and you can create events that would cause regret in your own life, all by accident. It is wise to mind your thinking as an adapt , learning to control your emotions is wise as well.
Not Alone
On earth we are not alone, Nor are we alone on the astral, ether or real space. Other beings of intelligence. Beings like us and so unlike us. as earth as animals and bugs and an assortment of creatures shades and shells of things that die in the astral. The body of light can be damaged and the beings there can hurt you physically here. When you step into a magical world merging it into your own living. You can expect your life to change. Out of the normal and on to the medical of mental science. You open your self up to the unseen realms. seeing into a different reality then normal people, who are protected by their blindness. and lack of knowing. When the ancient text was hidden, it was hidden in plane sight and rewritten to fit religion of a black and white nature. written in symbolism and images and spoken from one to another.
We are not alone we were never alone and nothing was really hidden it was just never spoken of in a public manner. all material is out there all we have to do is seek into it. all that is and was will be again
Do not go into this with fear in your heart. Fear is the hardest emotion to over come. It is wise to find your fears and face them head on, over coming them. Fear holds you back and creates regret that will over come you as well as depression.
Fear eats away at your confidence. Confidence is needed. Build your confidence up threw battling your fears. You can gain confidence in your abilities threw practice and honing your skills. Seeing is believing and practice makes perfect.
Do not go into this with fear in your heart. Fear is the hardest emotion to over come. It is wise to find your fears and face them head on, over coming them. Fear holds you back and creates regret that will over come you as well as depression.
Fear eats away at your confidence. Confidence is needed. Build your confidence up threw battling your fears. You can gain confidence in your abilities threw practice and honing your skills. Seeing is believing and practice makes perfect.
Finding your limitations and pushing your self just a little bit further each time. In doing so you can build up your confidence eliminating fear. Becoming stronger in wielding your will. The stronger your will is the stronger you are magically.
A good practice is finding a person to play the stare game. starring into each others eyes pushing thoughts back and forth. no blinking or looking away. It takes a lot of will not to blink or look away. may feel like a silly game. I assure you it is a practice building up eye skills.
Eye Skills
One is receptive and one eye is projective and do work well with the hands. Our eyes have the ability to send and receive energy, unseen by untrained eyes. Energy filled with emotions and thought formations.
The evil eye casts curses. The third eye sees threw the flesh, time and space. and the physical eyes receive and project images in light energy. Energy that can be manipulated by the mind, rearranged to do harm or to heal the harm done magically. It is all in our thinking and our ability to imagine.
the ability to picture in mind whats being described. The imagination plays a key role in any magic on the astral. It takes a skill to create something out of nothing. The ability of visualization
The aura is the field around the body in the shape of an upside down egg that extends in a sphere from the seed of light beating your heart beat. Out to about arms length. This field can be compressed all the way up to the body of light, with practice we can stretch the field of the aura out into the universe of possibilities.
In compressing the aura we can make it like armor against physic attack. By stretching and expanding we our selves become more physic. as the energy expands it takes in other peoples energy and we become more sensitive to our surroundings and those in your expanse of knowing.
expanded auras leaves your body of light open and yet at the same time, it gives you a sixth sense about who walks threw your expanded energy field.
compressing and expanding is like breathing with your breath held in place. Like the motion of your arm you can extend it in place and hold it there with another part of your conscience.
Having a functional aura is helpful and useful in feeling out a room of people. especially after stepping onto a magical line of living.
After opening that part of the mind into the spiritual awakening. Its like stepping threw a door and the door just vanishes. and there you are among the unseen, standing in the seen. Normal fly's out the window cause the door is gone yet every thing is the same in different ways.
Astral Bugs
Little creatures and plant spirits, nature spirits and elementals all become attracted to magical humans. The cleaner you are the cleaner the familiars you attract. Honey and milk, blood and defecation. again the cleaner the human the cleaner the natural spirits you attract.
Attraction to the magical spice in seeing . For seeing opens you up like a flower needing pollinated and the natural spirits will come to check the new light energies out. They will come smell you, taste your energies to see if your food, friend or foe.
Smoking is distasteful to some and to others the smoke is fun to play in forming faces and shapes. they are very much like humans in a very different way, all with different personalities filled with emotions.
Now that you see them they see you. we are protected by our blindness for most of the time. entering a magical area will heighten your magical senses and you would feel their presence, as an adapt to mentor into magi into sorcery. deeper and deeper into seeing. Seeing is believing. Believing makes a reality real.
Astral Beings
Many different beings live on the astral, never thinking about earth as it is just a tiny ball of living matter, to lesser beings some call demons and gods. Making alters and asking for favors like dogs begging for scraps at the masters table. Praying and making offerings.
The fallen and the unborn and with out body of flesh. are beings in the astral of the mother. Which is the atmosphere of planets and earth. Space is the ether and the distance is the void between here and there.
Jinn are astral beings made from smokeless fire that lived before humans were created later made to share the planet out side this earth realm with the human creation. Sharing the planet living on the astral while humans live on the face of the planet.
Astral Inner earth
Inner earth is a realm of the astral that goes into the earth. You can not get there in the flesh as you are made from the same substance as the planet. You can only reach inner earth on the astral planes in the body of light and it's not a place but more of a state of mind that you can visit. here the beings just see you as food. worms and an assortment of root like creatures that just want to suck the light out of you.
Astral Plants
Everything on the astral is living light energy including the plant life, some plants more dangerous then others. Giving off perfumes to attract. Light eats light as the energy of light is substance in a place void of light. Imagination is light energy, like photons in a television. Light from source seeded into your heart. the spark of life you are, gives off light energy by regeneration in its ever lasting nature. it can be consumed, digested and reused to grow, like eating meat in the physical. Eating proteins make more muscle, working it makes it grow.
eating on the astral happens all the time. the body of light functions in a manner the physical body works. The difference is one body is light the other body is flesh. One body has physical abilities the other has spiritual abilities. As above so below in the same nature but different. When you die so to say in your body of light. You become an orb of ever lasting energy. Returning to the spark that is seeded into rebirth into flesh. where you start over rebuilding your physical body and body of light.
Generally when we loose our body of light we also loose the aura. The aura is all you know. it is your soul. The experiences that make your conscience, can be consumed and that knowledge stays intact to the over powering life force.
Astral Castles
You can build on the astral, using imagination like a paint brush. Using light energy as a substance for building court yards and gardens filled with wild life. This is where you can build your personal heaven. Or your personal hell. You can add mazes and prisons, guarded by creatures of imagination made tangible. You can add a wall around the grounds with gates. You can create your own heaven above hell below. making it any desired size. for that matter you can create your own planets
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