
Chapter Thirty Six - Story Time

My hound
Jinn I am, alive again. Wondering the way with my hound. He be having a trinity of heads, snarling sweetly, with grinning razor sharp teeth. Snapping at my heels; as we run and play the day away.  Tossing humans about playing fetch; rover now, roll her over and we'll grove her in the ground. My hound, my hound jumps threw the ground, with out a sound, in shadow do he lay, in wait of his prey. Obey not so well, when three heads are hungry. Pounce they do with a run and jump, they are on you. Ripping to pieces, meat from bone. Are you scared to be alone. Sitting by the phone with six glowing eyes and two rows of sharp teeth, in the shadows growing; growling with a snarl. Snapping with a bark and leap. From shadow to light of knowing. 

Of ether born to a body of electric light
Of smokeless fire, born to flesh

We started with an, are you alright? No! I exclaim, I am not all right.

Some times I am very wrong, in the way I am thinking. Some times I am so off, I find the other side with out looking. There standing in the midis of masses feeling all alone. Left standing on the side lines, looking into the world. Me and my hound, my hound, sitting next to me smiling with a twinkle in his 6 flaming eyes. Such a beast out of the east and rising in the west with a test for man kind. 

A test of unity. 
Will the world come together as one World, under Father God; That we in Trust our lives and that of the whole world in his hands. That all is created free willing and alive. Each; with a path of choices. With each choice, changing the path directly in raging and inflaming the directive in one direction or another.  With a blazing green flaming hearth tipped with sky love with angels from above smiling down watching as heaven on earth begins to gather hand in hand. A unity of many in one community working together to better the future for generations to come.

 Employed education into space exploration. 

We can do this with water cleaning power plants and garden dome homes. With that one believer or more a beginning can start, with a chance at change, in cleaning the oceans. To process organic trash into fuel for heating homes. Designing a furnace to burn those refined trash creosotes, refined into fuel. Set up a crew and office and shop to build and install the furnaces in dome homes.

What needs to be done is to look at the whole of it pick out the un liked information and keep the information that feels good to know.  This book needs to be read with an option to believe in the good parts allowing the bad parts to slide from heart and to be left behind in the dust of ages.  Not meant to offend, but written to express the torrents of emotions, over flowing from a green heart, burning ever so brightly, in the morning sky.

We live in a time of change and change is the new way of being as we begin seeing in a more spiritual light. This old roller coaster called life.  begins showing you new worlds. Worlds of being in futuristic discover. As we build for a reason not of our own. We build for our children setting an example. That they see our creation in a positive light, carrying on for generation to come following in our foot steps. A torch of liberty and justice, projected high for all to get a light. I want to build for all in all a stable unity, giving every man their own personal kingdom in a Garden Dome Smart Home. Being individual in unity and having plenty extra. Feeding the world over and employing the world over; building a new grid to enhance the old grid. Feeding into the old meter system, collecting a city in come to begin building. By producing power to start, little investment is needed. Just some land and an old generator, 2 100lbs air tanks, an old helicopter turbine gear.  I can convert into a non - stop power plant. We can enhance with hydraulic pumps and liquid belts to turn a field of generators on a vacuumed sealed recycling system. Keeping the fields running 24/7.  with a 12 volt battery charger charging a car battery hooked to an old tv converter amp to 120, to keep a series of hydraulic pumps, running in-line turbines. 
10% works for me...

 The idea of creating a Green Sage Space Academy set up to go with the flow in today's world with today's minds we can accomplish a lot more U.S.A. Grown foods to be dried and exported world wide threw the existing ports already in working order giving every one a piece of pie. No need for greed... pay it foreword when you can. 

The idea of generating wealth in the after life is by the works we do on earth freely given, by the good deeds for good deeds These selfless acts are stored in emotional riches written in the aura and rewarded in lives to come. As we leap frog threw time, threw generations. Our acts will play out a fuller to heart life, with rewarding riches, when returning to life in generations to come.

Inviting a like wise system rewarding good deeds, with good deeds in abiding a system that works for all involved. It is a simple plan laid out freely given to the world. The details are in the designers to the drawn. I'd be willing to a sit down at a round table for some coffee & scotch and a chipper over chess on some deep, deep planning that would salve a lot of issues. Cleaning the world around and restoring the balance threw the hearts of the masses glowing green.  I believe the Father All would guide me in the right direction for the betterment of all earth dwelling alike.

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