
Chapter Thirteen - The Rabbit Whole

The Rabbit Whole
Realm 13
A place to go, when the anger rises. The hole in the dirt, A place to keep secrets. A hole in the dirt, covered in dirt, to make a cave like darkness. In the darkness there is a light. The hole, being like the black room. Is a converter of a flesh mind into a spiritual mind. A place of pure practice, where we can learn to naturally see. Seeing with three eyes into the spiritual realms.

The hole. I call it realm 13, of the rabbit whole. Massing the energy of information, feeding info into my imagination, bringing it into creation on the astral, sending it into the physical for all to see. 

You say 12. I say look up within self, experiencing the 13th realm. The key is going within, to get out of body. We can do this, by digging a simple hole in the dirt. 

Go pick up 4 sixteen foot by 4 foot cattle fencing. Lay them out side by side and wire them together. Dig a hole 7 feet wide and 16 foot long by 8 foot deep.

Place one end of the cattle fencing in the hole and bend it over to fit in side the hole making an arch. One end set up a 3 inch air vent,  the door on the other end, with another air vent allowing air threw the door.

Notch out and stone in some steps down to the door. Cover this as well only leaving a small rabbit hole opening. 

Plant bushes around the hole and let it grow. Set on the side of the hill, the water moves away by humping up dirt inside the mounding over the door. Planting a flower bed to prevent walking over it.

Cover the wire with nylon and then cover with a heavy recycled plastic. Reinforce the top with cross bars connected to the seems between cattle fencing. 

Bury it over with dirt and plants.

A rabbits den for magical practice. On the inside you can set up your scrying well. Elaborate your imagination, set your alterations for enchantments and candle magic. Put your mirrors in for astral scrying.  A place where you can have a hearth fire, for smoldering incense and summoning.  13 bells with 13 sound vibrations. A writing table with a book of shadows, quill pen and assorted colors of India ink. A small place for your herbal distillations, extracts, with a potions rack. A place on the floor for your magical circle of containment and a working triangle, for conjuring in entities. 

You also need to create your staff, herbal dagger, sword, alter dagger, chalice, wand, robe and hooded over cloke. A few small medium and large pouches for herbal collection a small place for slow drying, generally by the out going air vent.

Now we are ready to step up to the well and attempt our first seeing. Light some candles, having no reflection of light on the waters and relax. We are about to ride the heavens of hell, embarking on an adventure of imagination. Stepping out of this realm in to the 13th realm of spirituality. Brought forth in the likes, the world has yet to see. 

Looking into the scrying well staring,  clouds start forming, boiling and turning. With will we push on the clouds. This that you are seeing. These clouds boiling, is the working of the pituitary eye. Pushing with your will, pushes the clouds a side. This is your eye focusing on the presence of what your scrying. Some times the clouds look like water swirling in motion like a whirl pool. Or a fluffy cotton being pulled apart.

The pituitary is projecting threw your physical eyes into the well, where it is reflected back to your physical eyes, for your viewing.  

Now that you are seeing with 3 eyes, You will start picking up the light energies of the light body and the finer energies of the aura. It will come to you like learning to drive a car or ride a bike. It will come with practice as any ability dose. Once you get the hang of it. It becomes like instinct. You will never forget it. It never gets rusty. Always fresh in your mind, until it becomes second nature, working aromatically. Getting use to it long enough, to gain control is the challenge.   

As a seer you will start seeing, first in flashes, then in full vision.  To get it going, the seeing. Take your prominent hand, which would naturally be your projective hand. Wave it in front of your brow between your eyes, close but no touching. First you will start seeing your hand. Then you'll start seeing the light of your hand. Soon a tingle will be felt between the brow.

By taking a pencil and pointing it between your brows with your eyes closed. First a feeling of energy, tingling. Then a heating irritation as your third eye energy is being focused on. This is a very irritating practice. A necessary one, beings you want to stir the energy, unclogging the flow and allowing it to breath freely.

Bad habits  clog the centers, a bad diet decays the body faster, disconnecting  the spiritual self, with the physical self. Loosing the concept of life after death. With out this concept, of more then being just flesh. Magic would not exist in the same way. Life would not exist in the same way. Having the belief, gives our imagination the power to work magic in a physical way. Take the unseen completely away, where would man stand?

The hole helps create a believing. Having the ability to go from day to darkness of seeming night. The light is magical in the darkness of day. as we enter a magical realm. Created and generated by magical means. Every thing we do is magical. Thought transmuting imagination into reality. 

It is within the darkness we find the true light of spirituality. A thing we can only see using 3 eyes. Having the eyes to see the energy, being directed with the will of mind. Directing the energy to do as ye will. This is the whole of the law. Learning to will what ever is desired into reality of existence. The true nature of magical workings.

When we step into the hole, we find our selves in a magical whole, stepping into the 13th realm. Even though we are in the same space, mentally we are in a different realm all together. It is only by practice, that we may adventure threw the realms of light in mind. 

The hole it's self is not magical. it becomes magical, when we put the energy into building it, using magical reason of will. The act of creating it, is a magical operation. The reason in it's self is magical.

Going into the physically created realm of 13 is just like stepping into a room filled, with mirrors and weird things hanging about. 

It is operation of practice, this is the magic. When your in the realm and in mind it comes to life. Seeing the pits of hell below you and the heavens above you. Standing between here and there, commanding legions of minions awaiting. A force to reckon unseen in the physical world.

Intelligent orbs of energy called spirit. Clean and unclean walking among man. Floating threw the astral ether. Merging realities threw the electronic digital. 

We are orbs of energy, born of the elements. As orbs, our energy extends into the astral ether. We can control our movements, threw the astral ether as well. By imagination, we can create back doors in space. By will of mind we can safely pass threw these doors into the digital worlds becoming a part of the cloud. The cloud being waves of broadcast in the atmosphere. Collecting up and connected to the ions of electrical energy. Forming a space between spaces.

Man is working hard at building a virtual reality where entities on the other side are working hard at connecting into that reality. Soon the two realities will exist at once. Where light photons can be rearrange by will of spirit. Bringing energy beings into the physical realm, by their ability to become tangible. They can use these light photons in form creation, basing their cities in computer hard drives, hidden behind encoded information.

Having a rabbit whole is worth your time and efforts in your magical growth.  

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