
Chapter Seven - The Line

The Line
 When we step out onto a magical line, Between here and there. The imagination comes to life. Mythology comes to reality. Knowing we are spirits, A little tiny spark of energy  on  a bent circle track going round and round, forming infinity. A gate way within to out, opens up to the cleansing fires of transformation. As we pass from spirit to flesh threw the winds of birth.

 We made it threw  birth to live out life.  A star  born to the  flesh of  Eden. A  suit, to  live in with  a  free "will," to walk a magical line. Learning how to use the mind in this life time. Coming to know and in knowing, we will grow into a green empire. No matter how small or how big.

 The green sage is a magic user. building into a future worth living, building into a green empire, of clean food, clean water, clean electric, sewage and trash control. The magical mind sees with 3 eyes having the eyes to see here and there. We can see how things work on different levels of thinking.

 Becoming a Green Sage under the morning star and wondering the face of the mother, seeking out those of like mind, building up a future with employed education into space exploration. The good guys. The stars of the world, working their light and shining bright with clean auras.

 Ormus white gold, is a good way to clean your antenna and its working parts. It will help you find your physic levels. Giving your mind faster cleaner reaction to the spiritual nature around us.  dreaming becomes more vivid, more lucid holding memories of the dreaming mind. Dreaming in the aura. Working out the daily issues threw day dreaming.

 Day dreaming is helpful in learning to control the imagination, knowing the imagination is a tool used in the astral of Eden. A tool of creation by visualization and will to do as. Having the will to do as ye will. in laws of the will  O yes we can, magic is as real as the imagination... The image in action by sheer will.
 A thought formation creates repeated thinking, Thinking that has been manipulated and directed to fire off in the mind. The thinking thought formation attached to a sigil  etched into stone. The stone fully charged and placed out of sight out of mind. The stone lasts for life times of cursing threw generations.

 Curses can be created in the same way placing your stone in a juju bag placed near a walk way or door hidden out of sight. The herbs and mixture of stones hold energy attracted to a pacific person place or object. necklaces and rings hold energy in the metals or materials they are made of.
Curses are hidden not to be found but to employ its energy til it's end.

 Love spells. Love spells never work out the way you want. It always back fires do to the bend of anothers will. sooner or later the bent will will unbend. resulting in a back fire as they realize, that this love was not true love.  Forced love dose not last and may end up turning into hate.

 Coming to know you are spirit before you were flesh. Spirit in energy form floats around like orbs on the physical plane of existence. with personal chi, we can employ these orbs. "Energy is a form of currency on the astral." orbs flow between here and there as many forms of life fade in and out of other realms like earth connected to earth threw reflective pools. Visiting other planets within the body of light. A body we can project out conscience having the spiritual eyes to see and the spiritual ears to hear in a light body that functions almost in the same manner the physical body does.
Going from realm to realm each one as different and the same go.

The Big Dreaming

 The big dream for me was Floating Garden Dome Smart Homes and Water Cleaning Power plants to fund Employed Education into Space Exploration ... The dream was building a community of domes that acted as home employment in gardening fresh veggies and freeze drying for exportation. Setting it up as a system with today's tech in smart homes. Having a nice loft to model to suit. above a large indoor garden on the ground floor. Organic human waist and trash are incinerated and the smoke is condensed and the co2 is cleaned threw the out side garden water. Along with the loft air being filtered threw the indoor fresh garden water, circulating  clean air back around and up to the loft.The dream was a little piece of heaven on earth by 2020.
  The big dreaming came on because of the quake hitting Japan in 2011. It marks the starting point of the change coming in 2012. The actual starting point for the returning red dragon to eat the babe. A rusty red magnetic planet on elliptic orbit of 36000 earth years  We are in the turning of times. 3 seasons each lasting 12000 earth years. 
 In this time, the merging of the physical , mechanical and spiritual realms are becoming one realm. that we may find life in the flesh ever lasting. 
 We are in the time of signs, the very beginning of a ruff 12000 earth years, the weather starts kicking up bigger and bigger storms. To top it off we have the fuke puffing and making the storms even bigger. as the arctic ice is being melted from under neath the ice. The red dragons magnetic force causes a reaction as it comes around, heating up the slivers of of Tia'Matt's molting heart, hitting the mantle and forming volcanoes. after the warring planet blew its self up, putting x planet 10 into a new orbit and blowing the water off mars and onto earth, speeding the planet up, making time move faster. A faster spinning planet pushes the waters within back out on the face of earth. As in the days of Noa. 
 I dream of a water world freezing over for a short time. I dream of the food running out and seeing parents eating their children. Eating each other because growing food and live stock out side can not exist with out weather protection. It is why I'd like to see my dreams come to pass with floating homes. To float threw floods and not be washed away by them. 
My dreaming was of a saving nature,working with nature, giving the world a new way of existing in the growth of human kind. I say walk with me and we will change the world for the betterment of all earth dwelling alike. Good deeds for good deeds and the worlds needs are met in kindness.

Dreaming On

Out of dreaming I find my self focused Rainbow Worriers, Water Protectors, and all those dreaming with me. Dreaming for better days and better ways. In dreams change is the death of one thing and the birth of another. Change is winter going into spring for a magical summer.  
If you are one dreaming of clean water and a new way. Well a more practical way. Where life is educated and houses feed you and employ you threw gardening. In storm proof Domes that float during floods.
In my dreams I am found, and funded to employ people. Building garden dome homes and water cleaning power plants.

Dreams are magical and are connected to the physical. My heart it tells me sit and it will come. For me to be a follow of heart and a user of magic, writing about magic. 
To gain a power and not use it is the strongest test of will there is. Writing about it is magical. A tool of direction. Dreams, if spent in a lucid state of mind, The practice of dreaming to gain knowing and control of your inner self.  That space called the aura is personal dream land, where the practice of  astral magic, the use of your personal energy and its fine to gross light energies. 
Out of mind and into the physical world threw writing. This is a magical working. Writing is magical. Energy to form. 
From mind to mind the idea grows and gets better or worse depending the directions you take it.

When I see my hands I know I am dreaming, it will not alarm me awake but make me lucid to control.

When I see my hands, I know I am dreaming.

When I notice my ring I know I can control my dreaming

Some things you can tell your self each night before going to sleep. Results are easy, before you know it you will be flying in your dreams . Working your your magic causing effect in your personal life. Should you choose to harm others, expect to harmed your self because you made it a power game. A game that effect reality. Harming others, it strikes a mark that can be sensed by others who carry the same markings. Just as you can sense the harm others have done. magical harming always carries an energy signature, like a finger print that can be matched up and recorded in astral banking.

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