Liquids are like paper and your voice is the instrument of scripting into perfumes colones Floral Waters such as rose water or other flowers. This can be created by a simple 100% spirits extraction and then to add the exaction into the water. The scents affect the scenes of the nose and mind under enchantment, the energies are enhanced in repelling or attracting. Mixing the blessed or cursed waters with a persons body scent activates the enchantment.
These waters and oils and scents are used in many different rituals using aromas. The healing and killing powers are held in the tones spoken when scripting in song. Using the finer soothing tones for healing.
There is more to scripting then just singing words out. Scripting you are recalling emotions and pulling them up to your throught spiritual center then out your vocals directing the vibration of voice with your eyes and concentration. Visualization of the words of song forming in what ever liquid you are charming.
Any thing holding a liquid such as foods can be scripted with charms blessings and curses.
Holding sigil stones as a medium, transforming your personal energy into that of the generated sigil power. Lead is a soft absorbing, Copper is current, used the same way sigils stones are used as a directional tool. Directing an assortment of pre-energies into the scripting of voice vibration into the waters. Thus giving you a smoother flow at a longer and wider range of ray of energy. Beaming with a focus with eyes hands and voice your enchanting, charming stronger in long tone.
Binding a book of shadows in this manner is a good way to hide spell formations in between the fibers of the page as each page has two halves. Both male and female. Casting spells on the two sides facing each other then biding the two pages together as one magical page with out seem.
Whole spells can be created and generated in this manner and then burned to activate. Having 4 sides two inside and two out side. As you practice you will learn what works best for your workings. As magic is a personal thing to do. Using your own energies is like signing your finger print to the spells you cast. Again using your sigil stones to mask your signature energies. This will bind any spells returned to the stone and not the caster. Collect all returned spells. You will know when a spell is returned, the stones will be warmer to the physical touch. There will be a knowing by the feel of the energy.
Scripting parchments
You can use hard wood wands or holly as a directional tool in this operation of scripting as well as an actual quill and ink on rice paper and allowing the paper to dissolve. Of course you make your own parchments and a wide rage of verity in the herb fibers. White rice being a good starch to work with as it is self binding. You can use metal hangers stretching nylon legs over them to make a screen. You want to whole cook your rice and then to boil it into a mush of soup. Take the screen and dip it waving it back and forth til you have a thin layer on both sides let hang til dry and peal then roll over the two pieces to flatten them. Using a enchanted water to write secrets or spells, laying the two halve together and with a light spray of grass seed gums. Press and and roll the two halves together... Binding a book of shadows in this manner is a good way to hide spell formations in between the fibers of the page as each page has two halves. Both male and female. Casting spells on the two sides facing each other then biding the two pages together as one magical page with out seem.
Whole spells can be created and generated in this manner and then burned to activate. Having 4 sides two inside and two out side. As you practice you will learn what works best for your workings. As magic is a personal thing to do. Using your own energies is like signing your finger print to the spells you cast. Again using your sigil stones to mask your signature energies. This will bind any spells returned to the stone and not the caster. Collect all returned spells. You will know when a spell is returned, the stones will be warmer to the physical touch. There will be a knowing by the feel of the energy.
Practice hands on
Close your eyes, hold an object and see images forming in your forehead, watch the movies that roll around in clouds of colors forming and reforming playing out short movies in reality.
With the other hand we want to create the images in our forehead projecting them threw our hand and into the item. Creating scliffs of memory as a message to other power binding witches. Leaving gifts in items carried from witch to witch being imbued and enhanced threw its travels. From mind to mind from hand to hand. Magical items can be enchanted threw the masses such as staffs and medallions, rings.
Items can carry an essence that curse people or bring blessings into their lives. Depending the intentions behind the creations. the energy is tamed in a way that it tames the surrounding area with positive blessing. Energy that brings about positive effects to the days out come. It is only out of love and the combination of related emotions blessings can be bestowed to the owner of such items.
Do not let it fool you into thinking this is good fortune as it has to come from some where generated out of no where. Money attracting items always come with a cost to some one, generally the some one is close to the heart of the owner. Money attracting is created out of greed. Triggering greed energies and binding them to attract money is generating a cursed item.
It is better to generate blessed items of a freely giving nature. Then to bestow the blessed item to a deserving and this will be marked up by the watchers as good deeds for good deeds and the worlds needs are met in kindness.
Watchers Watching
Yes we are watched and our deeds do not go un noticed by the watchers over seeing the reality we exist in, They watch from the spiritual side, cheering loved ones on and booing the bad guys. Or some cheer for their bad guy or gal or between. They watch with interest and delight. From the clouds above in living waters falling from heaven, They watch as we live the experience. Then we trade places and we watch while they live til we live again. Leapfrogging threw the times so as above so as below. The ages in changing eras, The signs shine in the skies above us. That we may witness going threw it and living it again in a circle never ever ending in a circle we will always begin again as life is turning and learning, riding the experience with a thrill and will to live.
I love the stuff as it heightens the lucid state of mind
My personal experience of Ormus. My lucid dreaming became much more vivid. I became much stronger in my ability to wield my will. Bringing focus to my imagination in my ability to astral create vision. In my waking hours my physic community comes to life filling my head with voices from around the world. Pulling my attention in all directions. The connections between the collective has gotten stronger.
Ormus for me has been a blessing in turning my ways of thinking, it also has heightened how I feel. I noticed temperatures right away, becoming more sensitive to my surroundings. It has changed my life for the better. It can change your life if you apply your self. Ormus will open you up to a wonderful new way of existing.
Those seeking to open 3 eyes, this will be as a booster into your lucid dreaming. Where you can work out your daily issues in dreams, coming to control the flow and direction of emotions during sleep.
For a good source of Ormus follow the link below
Wines and breads
We make wines and breads fore nourishment and indigestion and magical reasons of inviting the spiritual realms with in self. The invitation of spirits allow direct communication with the spiritual realms all in one. Becoming a medium oracle seeing and hearing, speaking for the spirits.. Taking in the spirits threw the grape and grain mixture. The nature of the spirits allow the the opening of the inner being. Where we have space to allow spirits in by invitation. We have to voice the gates open allowing the choice spiritual to flood in memory.
With the wine and bread, the grape and grain. Opening the physical brain to the spiritual nature of reality. We can enter physical realms in the earth plane. Changing the way we see and hear.
Magic Hands
Our hands have these spiritual energy centers in the palms. By training your head to hands as a projective and a receptive. Wanding with one hand while drawing with the other hand. Using your projective hand with your projective eye vica-versa with your receptive side.
The hand you write with would be your best choice for projecting as it has been trained threw living in projecting your thoughts to paper. Your eyes projecting and receiving images and thinking that are guided threw your arm to your projecting hand center.
The wand is an extension to your finger as held to fit in the palm of your hand. Extending your index finger along the wand like pointing a finger. The wand is a directional tool for these energies. that can be scripted into the liquid paper. Or directly affect the 7 spiritual centers.
It is the hands that hold the the ability of creation within the astral. By using the energies as a light body or vehicle for conscience to roam the ether of mind, space and time.
Stones can be used in many different ways such as holding an extra sum of energy that can later be used to direct spiritual currents. In fine or course energy threw intentions. The mind is a very powerful tool in forming the reality around ones own life. Thinking brings things into reality. The imagination is a creative force. Used to paint in the astral a reality of thinking. Careful you will make your worst nightmares come to reality right before your eyes.
Threw the hands and the souls of your feet are your most resourceful when it comes to your astral creations.
The hatching of magically created dragons from stone is hand magic. Forming your imagination into an egg of stone. Nest in the fires of mind, burning a will to live within the hatch-ling, growing inside. See the fetus forming and growing, holding the the image in a place in the back of your mind and to nurture it from time to time. With loving thoughts of a bright future. Taming the formation growing in the astral side of the mind called the aura. Where all thoughts, emotions, experiences and dreams are expressed and held recorded in light. Your soul is like a book being written in these expressions of lives lived. I have learned we can create an astral life living more then one life in a life time. Existing here and there both worlds merging into one. One of flesh one of light within the atmosphere which is the aura of earth. Holding the astral planes 21 up Broke down in 3 - 7's within you will find where there is and there is here within the fabric of light spiritual energy. Its in this space where we lay and hatch our egg, when the time comes for hatching. Existing in two spaces at once in the same space here and there. We will call here earth and there we will call the heavens. There we want to form a nice comfortable space to cover and hide your creation within the creative energy forming in the collective of minds thinking. We will come back to see it growing glowing with a heart beat forming inside. By watering the eggs with emotions they grow an attachment to the heart beat of its creator matching your own beat for beat. A part of you is growing with a conscience of its own with a will to live and breath. To fly with dragons as riders of the skies slipping between realms of the night. Riding on moon beams cutting threw darkness to find the light shining from the heart.
Hatch out of mind and body and the stone egg brakes open arising an essence taking the form of your imagination. This a part of you growing before your eyes. A sum of what you put into the creation of your self. With this sum growing it must be trained like a dog. As with any pup it will follow you around in the astral even while your in the physical it will loom in the atmosphere around your dwelling and person. It dose as you feel. If you feel bad or scared it will attack like a dog defending its master. This dragon has no fear if you dont teach it fear. It is basic in thought formation or as much as you water it with intellectual information. It is like a computer it only knows what you put into it. Then you add a learning chip and it learns on its own. Growing in knowing and becoming a giant. You can teach it to feed on formations of thought left out of mind by humans thinking and letting thought go out the window.
The shades of thinking tend to die out leaving a shell floating about where like thought inhabit larger shells. Dragon food for thought.
The hand you write with would be your best choice for projecting as it has been trained threw living in projecting your thoughts to paper. Your eyes projecting and receiving images and thinking that are guided threw your arm to your projecting hand center.
The wand is an extension to your finger as held to fit in the palm of your hand. Extending your index finger along the wand like pointing a finger. The wand is a directional tool for these energies. that can be scripted into the liquid paper. Or directly affect the 7 spiritual centers.
It is the hands that hold the the ability of creation within the astral. By using the energies as a light body or vehicle for conscience to roam the ether of mind, space and time.
Stones can be used in many different ways such as holding an extra sum of energy that can later be used to direct spiritual currents. In fine or course energy threw intentions. The mind is a very powerful tool in forming the reality around ones own life. Thinking brings things into reality. The imagination is a creative force. Used to paint in the astral a reality of thinking. Careful you will make your worst nightmares come to reality right before your eyes.
Hatching Astral Dragons
Threw the hands and the souls of your feet are your most resourceful when it comes to your astral creations.
The hatching of magically created dragons from stone is hand magic. Forming your imagination into an egg of stone. Nest in the fires of mind, burning a will to live within the hatch-ling, growing inside. See the fetus forming and growing, holding the the image in a place in the back of your mind and to nurture it from time to time. With loving thoughts of a bright future. Taming the formation growing in the astral side of the mind called the aura. Where all thoughts, emotions, experiences and dreams are expressed and held recorded in light. Your soul is like a book being written in these expressions of lives lived. I have learned we can create an astral life living more then one life in a life time. Existing here and there both worlds merging into one. One of flesh one of light within the atmosphere which is the aura of earth. Holding the astral planes 21 up Broke down in 3 - 7's within you will find where there is and there is here within the fabric of light spiritual energy. Its in this space where we lay and hatch our egg, when the time comes for hatching. Existing in two spaces at once in the same space here and there. We will call here earth and there we will call the heavens. There we want to form a nice comfortable space to cover and hide your creation within the creative energy forming in the collective of minds thinking. We will come back to see it growing glowing with a heart beat forming inside. By watering the eggs with emotions they grow an attachment to the heart beat of its creator matching your own beat for beat. A part of you is growing with a conscience of its own with a will to live and breath. To fly with dragons as riders of the skies slipping between realms of the night. Riding on moon beams cutting threw darkness to find the light shining from the heart.
Hatch out of mind and body and the stone egg brakes open arising an essence taking the form of your imagination. This a part of you growing before your eyes. A sum of what you put into the creation of your self. With this sum growing it must be trained like a dog. As with any pup it will follow you around in the astral even while your in the physical it will loom in the atmosphere around your dwelling and person. It dose as you feel. If you feel bad or scared it will attack like a dog defending its master. This dragon has no fear if you dont teach it fear. It is basic in thought formation or as much as you water it with intellectual information. It is like a computer it only knows what you put into it. Then you add a learning chip and it learns on its own. Growing in knowing and becoming a giant. You can teach it to feed on formations of thought left out of mind by humans thinking and letting thought go out the window.
The shades of thinking tend to die out leaving a shell floating about where like thought inhabit larger shells. Dragon food for thought.
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