
Chapter twenty-six - Magical Sex

Magical Sex and Orgasm 

Sex is enhanced in tantra. Here we aim our attention to the sexual spiritual glands located on the front flats of your hips, both receptive as well as projective. When we match up in energy a true connection in sexual experience happens, causing the male and female complete body orgasm and ejaculation.

Merely thinking of another causes the physic to trigger attention and arousal. When we turn these spiritual centers up, a person can feel the emotional arousal of others. It is like passing by a women who is attracted to you. You feel the attraction in these centers. Even to the point of arousal. 

Every time a person thinks about you in a sexual manner after turning these centers up. Their thinking affects your centers. causing arousal. Should masturbation be in timing, a connection in sharing the pleasure. Spiritual connections open into astral forming a bond.  The bond leads to physic sexual encounters in the form of wet dreams.      

Physic Sex

Having the pleasure of wet dreams threw the encounters we have in our sleeping. Talk about spiritual sexual encounters with the maiden goddesses of the worlds. We are all 33 in dreams. For a spirit has no age and is timeless set in the now.  

Only those lonely eyes that gaze into no where, find me standing there, walking along living waters, flowing to the primal organs. 333 a joining of heads to heart and a child is born. A spirit brought forth to flesh. 

Dreams are a wonderful part of living in the physic world. When two spirits come together, Soul mates if you will, twin flames, two burning hearts connecting into one hearth fire.  When you find and choose physic sexual partners to dream with, connecting on a subconsciousness, dreams can fall into lucid memory of day dreams. This is where deep bonding begins and physic full on connection happens. Communications of the mind to mind are often generated threw day dreaming. 

Day dreaming about a pacific person transfers that energy. It holds a binding effect. One that I pick up fast. Like a string being twang. It must be rerouted, least you fall victim to unwanted attacks. Dreams are fun to experience, Yet physic dreams are fun to play in. All parties willing them selves to a choice spot in the dreams to mingle in the witches brood.

The art of night flying threw dreams  
 Old days it was a mixture of herbs turned into oils and smeared over the entire body.  This mixture would allowed you to sleep in a conscience manner. To depart the body, take up broom and familiar, flying off to the black masses on full moons. You can find the list needed for flying potions in old English literature. All that you need is in the white buffalo herb garden farms. The organic seeds are awesome. White Buffalo Trading       

Magical Art

Painting is an expression of emotion from mind and heart. A passion extending from mind flowing to hand. A good practice for focusing the flow of energy and coordinating mind to hand in projecting the energy of feeling. 

Have you ever looked at a painting and felt a push or pull in emotions. Try holding your receptive hand up and allow your self to feel if the painting is pushing you away or is it pulling you into the details, falling into your receptive eye. 

Sit down and paint your emotions in two pictures. One with pulling and one with pushing emotions. We use pulling and pushing because we are not wanting to bless or curse the painting. We do want to create an effect of emotions that ether pulls or pushes on the attention. Once we capture the attention. The energy put into the painting dose what it dose. We can then add in applications with in the detail, setting in pacific thoughts that fire off energy as the applications of details are read.

After viewing the set of eyes seeing into the painted spells unraveling in the minds of the viewers. 

Spells can be set up  in applications "applications" meaning one form upon another. Layers of an assortment of spells binding the attention and energy of its viewers. The idea behind the spell binding is to capture the viewers hearts and minds. The painting of attention has value behind the love held for the painting its self.

A cherished painting loved by all viewing sprinkled with wanting adds a value to its bidding in auction. 

Art its self is creative energies forming together delight and want.  The idea of binding a thought of ( I want that) or ( I would like to have this or that.)  every time a normal person walks by the thought of  "I want this" even if the painting is bad to look at. the thought triggers and the emotion behind the thought push the un knowing person into the buying. The art sells its self over and over. 

Adding lower emotions will turn your harmless magic into a cursed item. We do not want this to be done in greed. Greed is a deep cutting curse. Greed returns onto its self. Over and over. it is an energy that will keep feeding only its self. 

Adding higher emotions tend to cause blessings, Building up desire to have. The energy reverberates causing a ripple like rebound effecting the higher vibrations of your personal chi, such in a manner as it would bring about good feelings causing a chain reaction threw the masses as they pass by. 

Thought is instant flashing from one mind to the next. A panting that is blessed threw painting it on a magical level of thinking has the power to effect millions because it ripples threw the minds of the viewers. Thoughts are fleeting emotions that trigger thinking.  The painting that is painted by magical hands, can be a blessing...  

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