When The food runs out
They will start eating each other
Weather changing the streams and the world is getting ready to turn a little. After life will be very different for every one left existing. The pending doom is the silent storm coming.
It comes with hunger burning. Survival instinct sets in. May'ham and anarchy pushes people to the limits. With out food, first the pets, then the weak.
Packs of people will be feasting like wolves, turning on the more fortune. Tribes will form and the hunting begins. Causing unrest and war.
War over food and cannibalism. Eating people turns you into something other then human, becoming more beast then man. You become spiritually possessed. The spiritual energy attracts hungry spirits you are now feeding by eating your own. Once you start there is no coming back. It haunts you, pushing you like a hunger. It is a hunger attracting more and more.
Human like wild mad dog mentality, the hungry creatures will come out of the wood works attacking and taking what they can. Hunger drives humans into madness.
What will you do, when hunger strikes you? would you sell your soul for a meal? Would you turn to God? To the gods? Eat out of a dumpster? beg? Sell your flesh? Food is a drug for some. Taking away their saddened hearts. Filling the void that dwells within.
When fast food joints start shutting down and stores close with nothing to sell. Empty... Whats to fill the void.
When the waters turn bitter from sewage and contamination what are you going to do? Settle it out and treat it with fluoride and chloride reroute it into drinking water? Might as well add in some arsenic and a little cool'aid too...
Refer to chapter fifteen water works. There are better ways. Why frack for gas when we shit it out.
The best blood is your own blood. It is fresh and full of your intended desire. This alone fills the spell with your own life force holding your intentions. Using your own holds the best results for you.
Having more then one spell caster. Two or three heads are better then one. When working with others, protect your self when blood letting. Like use your own razor and never connect your blood directly with anothers. Always drip with out touching...
Spell Crafting
Every spell has an energy signature. An energy signature is like a fingerprint leading back to the one casting. The core of every spell holds the slightest of personal energy. Even if your using other sources of energy. The spell is directed and it takes personal energy to direct spells, as well as curses and cussing. Cussing some one out is like a curse. A curse dose damage, cussing just irritates.
Every spell working in symbols and sigils. Symbols having meaning as a description, Sigils having charged meaning. Together we have the bases for building.
In crafting we use our imagination. Crafting sigils into symbols imbued with thinking in formation to the reason we are crafting for.
Feel good for good, feel bad for bad. Feelings are attached. We attach them by regenerating in likeness to the feeling. By drawing we are projecting this energy, we are generating threw our emotions.
Feelings are energy in motion. Like ribbons flowing out of your aura into the lines flowing from the graphite or lead or chalk. Or that you are using.
Magical inks made with intentions. Blood mix in your ink holds the power of your whole being. Or what ever being your draining from. Depending on the spell your crafting and its reason for being. I find the idea of crows blood appealing. For working with the spirits.
Chicken blood works well, when mixed with ink. The eye fluid of a cow being freshly slaughtered mixed with chalk/cowl, in summoning the unclean legion.
Hand signals charge a flow of energy out, we can direct energy filled with emotional feelings. Every signal holds a key like energy unlocking the waves between waves. Allowing the energy to freely flow to its intended target.
It is out final will of intentions that directs the energy, carrying unclean spirits with directions. Or good blessings flowing with good spirits.
All humans having the will, the eyes to see, the ears to hear. All humans can perform magic. Humans, they make magic evil or good. Healing or harming.
As simple as a thought, left out and unkempt. A thought that one often dwells on. This can be a form of a spell. One left over and still existing. Such as an unattached love spell, floating around influencing non attentive thinkers. The spell works its way into the aura and explodes an a like thinking. All of a sudden out of no where, your feeling love for people you may not know. When you stop thinking, that spell takes the alike thought of energy with it, building upon it's self. Becoming a semi-intelligent artificial living being. A thought forming spell can live on past it's intended use and the people they are cast on. These spells can be captured and reused, making your crafting even stronger.
By capturing one of these shades, or even a shall of a shade. You can use the shells, filling them with what ever intended energies. Where a shade has to be over come by will and directed with your personal energy. The deeper you reach into your heart. The stronger the source of energy. Deep with in your self. You can bring a red energy that is binding.
Bind the shade with your will. As a symbol of the act you can use a hollow tube and biding it with ribbon and seal it with a drop of blood, encasing the tube with energy. The tube represents the shade. The ribbon is the binding. The act its self, must be performed in meditation in the astral and fulfilled at the alter or the well your working from.
Blood holds the life force until it evaporates into the cosmos or used up in the formation of crafting.
Using animal blood, the energy is generally filled with fear and adrenaline, not of your own. Not having your intentions will slow the desired effects.
Using other peoples blood has the same effects as the animal with their intention or regrets or fears. It is unstable for correct spell crafting.
Having more then one spell caster. Two or three heads are better then one. When working with others, protect your self when blood letting. Like use your own razor and never connect your blood directly with anothers. Always drip with out touching...
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