
Chapter Nine - In the Darkness

In the Darkness

In the darkness there is a light that shines within you. It is you and you as a human are the light. One goal is training self to see this light shining. It fills the aura and our experiences, thoughts and emotions color the aura, in boiling motion. Colors fading in and out of each other, like a lava lamp moving around.

In darkness under shadow and in secret, we practice magic to gain our desires. To build confidence in what we practice.

According to the Holy Bible sorcery will send you to hell in forever torment. Even though I believe. I also see the other side for what it is. Space and time in the form of ever lasting energy, always reforming it self. Never ending and always beginning like a circle.

It's not that the creator dose not hear prayers. Its not like that. Prayer is energy, energy we send out into the cosmos, it returns fulfilling and answering with helpers in some eyes and demons in other eyes. 
The creator became creation and all that is, is the creative source. In the darkness there is a light, and it shines within us. We are the light and the light is us. We are the creation becoming the creators. We rise in vibration becoming finer and finer light energy. 
When we turn around and look at what we have done on earth. We will remember why we came to earth. Because we are that creative force, creating our lives from a single cell.
Humans have natural ability, they were designed with. Healing is one, seeing is another. The five senses and the spiritual senses working fully open turns the human into a super human. Given they have understanding. With out the understanding. I walk around as a crazy. Giving other people reason, to give out white jackets, sugar pills and electrodes. 

Magic is more then just chants and casting spells. It's coming to know self and your ability to will and manifest into the physical realms. Your ability to work with unclean spirits, dispelling them and casting them into swine. Your ability to see lies. 
Magic is the ability to wield the will into manifestation from the mental plane to the physical plane. It is the manipulation of the energy around us. 

 I been told I know nothing. I have to agree, compared to the sum of knowing out there. The amount of information out there is plenty enough, for any one to school them selves into the magical realms. 
 Getting there is easy. Its the getting back that is hard. Once you open into the realms, you are open always. It's like walking threw a door and the door vanishes into thin air behind you. Walking into a new form of living, in a different part of the mind. When our seeing changes, this changes our way of thinking. In turn, it changes our personality. Holding different emotions in different degrees, this fine tunes our ability to move threw changes. (The death card).  Magic is change in constant transformation. Walking threw change down a line. Having the will to keep the balance, seeing into both worlds with 3 eyes.  
 Once you see you can never un-see whats been seen. it will always be with you. recalling it from time to time. The best way to learn magic is to see magic in action. Seeing the proof of magic happening before your eyes. This opens something in side of us. I say it is belief.
 Ritual magic is a way of seeing magic in in motion. Having the eyes to see the energy flowing out in reflection. The static flowing and forming, growing into ritual dance. 
When we dance in ritual we are building energy as we burn energy,  we use that energy in the forming. Dancing around a circle, with more then one person, to many people. All coming together connecting energy into energy. Building up in unity to form one spell out of many.

Dancing is magical in its self. Or the function of dance, generates energy used in magical workings. We dance in honor and for fun. Always inviting the spirits to dances with us. Dancing is a way of communing with those waking in the unseen. 
Our dancing on the unseen turns into an energy form. By our selves we make a sphere. when dancing with other we make a ring that boils out. When the dancing ends the energy flows out working the magic we were dancing for.
We hold images, thoughts and full ideas, Blessings and prayers. Hopes and dreams. The energy we dance up enhances all that we danced for. Like any spell cast, it is best to just forget it. Forgetting the spells we cast, allows the energy to move foreword. Thinking about the spells or regretting the spells will bring the energy back. It will then start working against you. Getting in the way of other spells works. 

Senses in feeling

Feeling whats around you is important. The senses open and alert , working together. It's like having a knowing. Generally reaching a foot or so out side your aura. By expanding the aura we can increase the distance of that knowing.
You can feel pressures and temperatures with your senses. The change in the atmosphere, alerts you to unfamiliar energy, the motion in energy is a feeling in the air around you. Where it pulls the direction of attention.
Practice by sitting quietly in a room with people and pets moving around. Close your eyes, plug your ears. The feel with the whole of your body. Feel into the air. and feel your self expanding. Pay attention temperature and the motion in the air.  when something passes by, the energy of that being will be sensed. By practicing we can enhance these senses.
By visualization, we can imagine our egg growing bigger. Expanding in all direction. We can expand it as far as we desire. Every thing within our aura field, we start picking up on different energies. Different kinds of thinking starts forming in your mind. It is wise to know your own thinking. All of a sudden out of the blue thinking may be a formation of collected thinking. It is a cloud of thoughts collected together. They come around to be drinking your thinking as it is their feeding. To swarm your mind with alike thoughts tho think about. Thinking is energy and energy feeds on energy.
Picking up hard thoughts. When some one thinks hard, they form a thought. When they stop thinking of the thought forming, they let it go. It floats about, charged with a thought. Alike thoughts are attracted to alike thinking. When two thoughts come together it becomes stronger. when a lot of thoughts come together, it becomes semi-intelligent. Like a fish swimming in the night skies, eating bugs.
When we become sensitive, we pick up on all the little orbs flying around us.  The camera sees them we sense them with a kind of seeing. Here and then there. 
Feeling other peoples energy in close. When you are up close to other people. there is like 3 sets of thinking for each human. close up thinking then their mind thinking and then their underlying thinking and then they speak. Let me say all 3 thinking is as different as they speak. 
There will come a time, when you spot the pretend smiles. You will sense conflicting energies and the colors in the light shining from them changes. 
Hard eyes and body temperature heating or cooling. The body starts saying what they are feeling. All of a sudden you are connecting into people around you. When they think strongly or have a strong thought.  You pick up that thought some times hearing the voice of the thinker. Other days ever thing seems so far away. Those are the days when your aura is pulled in close. 

There is a positive, a neutral, and a negative 

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