Water as a resource has a value all in its own. To hear with open ears a water cleaning pyramid power plant made to rest floating off shore with an insulated bed and magnifying glass bowed in on four sides allowing the sun to heat the bed of water the water evaporates into steam which is condensed as it flows threw the pipe leading to land a current fan attached to an inline one way water pump when it hits land to out put is set up to inline turbines to produce electric Having electric and clean water feeding into the desert of Africa We could produce employment building towns and a pipe line of fresh clean water turning the deserts green. Bring life flow back into the regions creating a new way of living. Out of dust into lush green... I would love 10%
I so love my spiritual dictators
Live long, the day and hope in good will. With each step up, some times we slide back two. The main thing is we keep stepping foreword until we find a side path leading up to smoother walking.
Think space relay poles as, we adventure further and further away from earth. We would drop relay satellite / space poles like doping telephone poles along a road. then radio waves coming in would be collected and relayed as well.
Off the top the head
We fall to dread
Looking square boxes and finding circles
I write to you my head. I wounder whats your dread. Common mind lost into the blending of merging. The merging of the unseen becoming seen on common ground. Looking at me look at you. I think you need to look behind them. Peek see, a wondering eye. Fly by. Standing in mid sky. Bolts of lightening, sparking in all direction. Here in a flash; gone. Just like that. Like a ghost, fading in thin air.
A peach rolling down a set of stairs, bouncing and bruising as it tumbles from step to step. After 13 noose steps, it lay still, oozing in a pool of juice, Its pulp splattered on the last step, stretching from a split in its skin. Motionless Such a tasty fruit, laid to rest on a plate to be eaten. The bruised parts slightly sweeter. With each bite like the first even better. Looking down at the empty plate with seed. Planted in dirt I wait. Wait and wait some more. Finely the seed take to tree, As years tumble by blossoms bloom giving forth a tasty peach dropping. A peach rolls to the edge of the steps...
Flashing, A fluttering as mother, desperately tries catching her baby as it tumbles threw the branches. With one foot deformed and the other clasping on to catch any branch. The mother swooping in to bring her baby back. The baby crow trying it best to fly spread and flapped his wings with all his might as he flapped to the grown. There he lay all hopeless, helpless. His mother fly around as people come to help. They picked him up and tossed him the air. Flapping to the ground once again left to the elements. Mother lost scent, Unable to recognizes she abandons. Left alone, (cat food) Children come along and nurse him back to health. Squawking Steve, Just Steve for short, acting quite like a dog, he hops around, playing sky fetch, as he learns to follow his team of feeders dropping a path of crumbs. He naps with a beak under the wing, a small crack in his wrist that is mending nice and clean. Soon perhaps he will fly if not he can hobble around with me. I been teaching him how to peck food and he took to drinking water. I gave him a mirror and a stuffy to perch on. Some corn , worms, fish, crickets and meal worms.
A peach rolling down a set of stairs, bouncing and bruising as it tumbles from step to step. After 13 noose steps, it lay still, oozing in a pool of juice, Its pulp splattered on the last step, stretching from a split in its skin. Motionless Such a tasty fruit, laid to rest on a plate to be eaten. The bruised parts slightly sweeter. With each bite like the first even better. Looking down at the empty plate with seed. Planted in dirt I wait. Wait and wait some more. Finely the seed take to tree, As years tumble by blossoms bloom giving forth a tasty peach dropping. A peach rolls to the edge of the steps...
The Question.
Will the peach keep rolling?
Scorn She awakens
Singing She's going to kill them all. She going to sneak in and eat my ass. I say scream louder as the louder you scream the less I hear what you say. So scream in feeling and vision scream to blog it out little frog screaming. Scream a little louder. Folded up all, under the table. and threw the zip lock she screams a little louder. I feel her coiling up in my brain like a drain on my life. Sucking and drinking and pealing away, layers of skin. Bitten. loved. Lost once more to the roar. She grabs hold yanking on my ears and pulling on my eye lids, forbidding a waking moment. Standing in dance, held up in a corner. Lost my train tickets to hell. Left to dwell in somber; slumber, in my fuzzy warm blankly, feeling a little lanky for some hanky panky with some danky on a fezzfool, left leg on the pool table, she reach up to undress my fly. With a zip zap I am high, falling ever so low. Foowee baby what a struck duck, down on his luck. Man we dancing hot pan, with soothing pipes to blow. What a crazy flow, of what we know bro. Shooting dice and buying hoes in pink panties, blasting with a green glow, flashing with a heart beat and smoking from the toes.
Thank the Father for blue skies ahead
So Sober
She finely left me alone, the ol tar crone.
O my - what?
Off the skibby door
You piss me off you know that
I hear you in my head screaming this and that.
I love you
Because I don't want to hate you
so I have to love you.
What A beautiful World
What A beautiful World
In turning of times. A loss of mind. An opening in time. As gates creek open. I find my self in utter of words not there. Then the unseen becomes seen. Eyes bright and whats hidden, is now in the open. I see it twisting and turning. I see it burning. Like a cork screw winding its way into sight of mind. Then I look and look again. Seeing the twisting and turning, the burning inside me. A madness winding. A hope fading. A light dimming into darkness. Love turns to hate. Like fire, it burns in desire. Turning the mind over, burning ever slower. Heart fluttering, a muttering of a sad good by, you can save your lie, for the next guy. Perhaps you can spit in his eye.
In the dark I glow dark my fire is my pain, The pain I hold as my own. In darkness I lay in wait. For that green glowing heart. In darkness I sit waiting and watching for the light to shine.
I sit in darkness watching her twist and turn and burn with smoke rolling in the air. She knows not Yet in the darkness I sit and watch her twist and turn burning a glow, a flicker, as she rolls... Rolls, Rolls and rolls some more.
The more I sit and stare the more I become aware. The faster my heart sinks in despair. Yet now aware I dare take another look to see deeper. The deeper I look the more I see. The more I see them more burns me...
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