
Chapter Six - Candles and Sigils

All subjects can be found in audio books, To watch and read as a basic education into the arts. finding worth in self. Seeking the magical me is a long and boring walk. Yet the longer you walk it, the stronger it gets to be. The more you see results in your workings. The more confidence you hold, the better your abilities become.

Training the physical eyes to see the settle light energies helps build knowing in a confident manner. When we come to know the ability as a fact, the results returning to us become real in the physical plane. All you have to do is forget it, til it returns in knowing you have what you cast for. 

Candles and Sigils 

 Candles burning give off energy into the astral atmosphere. Candles with sigils are slow casting spells that bring an assortment of gifts. Using runes as part in your sigils give extra energy as the spell is burnt out into the universal extension of self.  it responds to the intentions put into the sigils on the candles. When your finished and you cast the spell. For get it, Never casting spells you will regret. there is no room for regret in magic. Regret is the leading cause to failing spells. When we cast something with intention. Regretting those intentions only bring the spell back to you in a negative manner.
 Candles energized can be used as beacons on the astral. .. The astral is connected directly to the physical so much so that they mix together one forming inside the other.
 By will and intention for the candle to be used as such. Placing will and intention in candles, this will burn the intention into action. The flame a source of energy the intentions use to grow from. as the candle burns the energy is released into the intentions of the candle magic being performed.

 Burning different colors of candles burn off an assortment of energies . Good books can be found on the subject of candle magic and there colors definitions and uses. Gold for the sun silver for the moon, black for stability.

 Becoming an adapt, familiarizing your self with the feeling of each color as it burns, releasing energy with a vibration to cause effect. Burning pink seems to leaving a loving feeling, while burning orange generates a hatred.

 Using candles in our magical workings gives extra energy. Allowing spells to continue performing its workings while your attention is else where. Candles allow spells to be continually generated, flowing energy and the effects of intention in all 7 directions.


 Stones with sigils carved into them. All people and things have a polarity of light and dark. You can make sigils for the good or you can make them for bad. Good karma is better then bad karma. Karma is nether good or bad. "It simply is what it simply is" or "it is what it is". Although what you put into your karma is what you get back, with lessons carried over from the life before. We can drop the bad baggage. The things we make our selves suffer over.. we must get over in order to make a foreword motion. In a positive direction.

Stones with eyes. I don't know about you, but I love eyes in all fashions shapes and sizes. Eyes are a direct passage to the knowing. People can connect looking into each other eyes. All the information you'll ever need comes from the eyes. The eyes are the gate ways to a persons soul. You can look into the eyes and see their lies before they can say them.
Intuition of a physic nature holds interesting results. You can sense things as they happen. it is a trick to the trade to see truth in your foresight. Foresight is like knowing, just before or just as the events are happening.

Stones are awesome. Stones are a lot like batteries.  Fill the stone with laughing energy. They hold memory better then humans. Learning to see what the stone has seen. Hold the stone up to your 3rd eye or the middle of your brow. By laying the stone to your fore head. Your physic connection can be accomplished, a streaming of sound and visual will appear in your minds eye. The stone giving you a life time of information, that is generations long. Light energy, vibration threw the atmosphere is recorded in the stones of the area, along with the trees having long memories collecting vibration on the light and physical forms of reality.

The light energies expelled from, say a murder. would be concentrated in the area and those vibrations  would be recorded in the material on the physical plane its self. Giving the sensitive physics the ability to recount and recall the events as they were taking place.

Ghosts  are fading memories replaying the events like a play. Or like that of a movie. Playing in your personal mind. Having some one with the same physic ability, The empath and enhanced senses allow the 3rd eye to see the actual events. Having two or more physics to compare notes. Using haunted houses as practice to strengthen your physic abilities and your senses and feelings. The will.


An assortment of wood types and sizes. Cutting the wood into circles of an assortment in circumference and depth  Anointing them with an assortment of oils sealing in energies. Taking a pencil to form your sigils. After out lining, take a wood burner, burning the sigils  in permanent. The burning its self, generates energy. The energy vibrates in, as well as out. Using an assortment of commands by vocals to unite the burning energy forming the sigils and that energy vibrating from your voice. Chanting mantras. Vocalizing  vibrations into the air, along side hand jesters or signals. In the movements, energy is generated and directed, 

"good deeds for good deeds and the worlds needs are met in kindness.".

Holly Wood, the branches make good wands for directing spiritual energies threw. your own system as well as aligning other peoples systems. People tend to clog these centers up with over indulgence of the physical world. Directly connected to the spiritual realms.

Using a wand, direct personal chi, with healing thought formation. Seeing healing greens , an assortment of shades vibrating into energy. Pink and green heart stones.

The spiritual centers are stone, color coded, colors having emotional meanings. Factual meaning threw color meanings to the written meaning of each color.  pressing happy feelings are healing energy.


Energy in laughter is a very healing energy. Funny things that make people laugh. It is a warm  energy bellowing up from the solar plex and heart and throught. Affecting with a joy in laughter. Laughter energy can be using in other ways, For instance a short choppy laughter tends to expel energy in short bursts . light energy is like an essence that can build up over time. With practice  in charging wands with laughter energy.. 

As a healing for good, record your self laughing in an uncontrollable manner. Laugh and laugh hard. Recording your laughter on more then one replay. You can use 3 to 4 points of laughter around you. We breathe differently as we laugh making the sound unique to the person laughing. A signature of energy,"personal chi" some times leaving a trail. Like a finger print of an astral nature, that is still connected by a silvery light  energy thread.


These threads can be cut, severing the connection , loosing the trail back to it's sender. Threads come in many colors some stronger then others. We can fashion Astral / physical tools, books,  weapons, armor,.. Having a safe place to keep your tools and instruments. such as a room designed for magical workings. A room the magic user can retire to with out disruption.  A room that is sound proof with darkly painted walls and ceiling. dark surfaces allow one to see the light of the body of light and the aura. Candle lit rooms are the best for the practice for seeing these energies.

You can thicken your cord, making it harder for some one else, out there cutting cords to profit the gain of formation at the end of a line. 
You step off the  end of the thread, with a spark of information attached to an idea or thought ,floating about in the general of the astral unknown . collecting these up on the astral and storing them on the physical. Compare to rose nips. Picking these gems is as easy as using an herb blade to snip the older threads with the bigger flowers, the bigger the end the bigger the transformation.  With each tip we are able to consume and digest the stronger you become. the more finer energy you store up in your sigils embroider robes and cloak. 

Magical Robes

Embroidering sigils and symbols into your robes using magical  died thread. placing small bits of lead and copper. These bits of mineral ores act as a battery in the fabric of the robes. The astral light energies fill the robe, while physical static electric builds up and discharge. Creating a little shock to a passer by.

Different sigils cause different effects from helpful to harmful. All magic costs in one form or another. Generally of a physical means. 

Absorbing these fine light energies, building up in the fabric of the robes. After a while they gain a glow. The color depends on the energy, which depends on the main use of the robe and magical depths. Using the robe as a magical means of charm, Mental magic employs the energy. 

The robe is a means of concealment, hiding away in darkness of shadows,  using it as a shield, to deflect physic attack 

Having wide mouth sleeves with ties is helpful when your needing an extra pocket. The pocket inside a pocket with a little prize. The prize depends on the type of person using magical robe.   

The magical robe is a settle energy, working on the settle side of the mind. It's good for the formation of directing energy  thinking. drawing-on the robes extra build up stored light energies. 

Its best to magically hand create your magical robe. Even if you feel like your pretending and its all silly. I have enough belief for all of us. Even if I can't prove it. Not directly.  Indirectly you can prove it to your self. By testing your abilities . Starting off slow and small like seeing the energy flowing threw the robe its self. Do mantras when sewing your outfit together. the energy of mantras can be directed by will as binding energies. Binding other energies to your robe. Having different sigils sewn into the robe. It becomes magical on the astral.

With trained eyes to see the aura, we can train the flow release and absorption of of the light energies we are collecting. Storing energy in sigils designed to charge and hold light energies until needed...                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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