
Chapter Four - Greater Jinn

Greater Jinn

Beings made from smokeless fire. Beings who share the planet earth threw the astral /atmosphere of the unseen realms. They can become tangible on this physical plane and often do. Having empires to cities on earth in the astral which is directly connected to the physical plane. You can sell your soul away with greater jinn. Most despise human kind, Yet there are those who live as humans do. Looking for those looking to trade their knowing. For your knowing which is your collection of experiences. All you know is your soul. To contact them you would use electrical symbols when casting your circle to open the gate into the electric astral plane.

Appearing often as dust devils or spiral winds and causing may ham and destruction. Showing their power and might. Upsetting one may give you wings to fly to your crash landing. 

Lesser Jinn 

Creatures of an assortment living on the aroma of defecation in and around out houses and dung piles. Cemeteries and bogs, around swamps and sewer systems. They are minions to the greater jinn living in the earth planes. They can be tamed as spies as they are of the unseen world and can pass threw reflection. They stink but make interesting gofers. Building a dwelling set in a magical garden suits them well. In a compost pile. Having done this they act as watch dogs protecting their dwellings as any dog would. Their bites can do damage to the body of light and cause physical illness of unknown causes. 
Shadow Beings

Known as shadows of the night. They tend to creep threw the shadows avoiding the light. Some shadow beings were human beings gone dark. Others are creations of nightmares inhabited by another intelligent being. These beings are void of light. Many becoming the incubus and succubus. Dark spirits feeding on the sexual desires of humans while sleeping. They lay upon their victims holding them down. Unable to awaken and unable to move. realizing they can no longer draw that sexual nightmare as you awaken. It wonders off and the pressure holding you down lifts and you awaken.

Will is best used as these beings are highly attracted to the magician, Those practicing astral magic are most visited. This can be to the magic users advantage. Having the will to over power the shadow into submission. Giving it a magical name is like putting callers around their necks. Submission by will and holding that will is a challenge. we can accomplish this by first preparation. Creating a magical name that binds as a caller in the astral. It is astral creatures we are dealing with. Binding symbols used to form a caller of imagination. Placing that caller in an open part of memory to recall as needed. 

Over powering the will of another creature may be taming. Yet it dose not go with out it's dangers. Should one lose the battle of will it will have long term effects. You will become slave to the will of the creature. Practice with shades and shells to get the hang of it.

Dark Ones

Dark ones like the shadow man and other intellectual spirits of a dark nature grant wishes for praise and prayer. You will often find such beings dwelling in the rafters of churches of both natures. Feeding on the emotional energies being generated from praying. They tend to make miracles and signs happen to generate a greater food source. They make believers as some one who believes gives forth a steady clean energy of a powerful nature. The stronger the believer the more attractive you become.

The dark ones can be found at alters assuming mantle and becoming a master force of groups worshiping and offering for magical gain.

They are helpers for magic users and can be attracted threw summoning incantations created for calling into the void. Your answer will be in the powers you gain. Enhanced energy and strength. Other abilities come with the assortment who would answer. Building an alter and dwelling idle, such as a hollow statue with holes in the eyes and mouth. 

Dark ones generally come in dark cloud formation. Some do take form in human. Offering prayers in return for favors, Offerings of food milk and honey laid out to deteriorate makes the dark ones more abiding. 

Critters of a lowly nature that can be friended. Magic user's them selves and good hunters having long claws, long arms and short bodies, A wide smiling mouth full of razor sharp teeth coming in a verity of sizes no bigger then 4 foot. When standing still they resemble a stump of a tree. Having morphing skills they can assume natural objects. Living in swamps on the astral hunting a verity of creatures smaller then its self. Like wolves they live in dens and run in small pacts. Often fighting over territory and running off wild life on the physically plane. They are shy and hide from humans even on the astral.

Magical items of an astral nature can create a bond between magic user and imp. They make good familiars and nasty enemies. They can haunt your home, they can cause bruises burns scraps and cuts they can scratch and bite leaving physical marks on its victims. they generally come in pacts as they are family orientated. When things start flying around for no reason. You find no rest because things are moving around. items go missing or turn up some where out of the ordinary. Marks start forming on your body for no seemingly reason at all. 

What can you do to rid your self. Apologize, then burn sandalwood daily threw out the house. the odor will drive them out of the area. By apologizing your sending them on their way with out further offending them. 
Magical Servant 

Creating a magical servant to do your bidding on the astral. Using personal chi you can form a magical body fitted with a shadow or elemental and binding them together. Upgrading a shadow with a body of light of its own. They are now dependent on you to stay alive. The energy must be renewed often. You can refill the magical body with personal chi. The more you put into it the stronger it becomes. You never want them to grow stronger then you. Feed them weekly. 

Witch tits

A witch tit is the feeding form for magical familiars and magical servants. Thought to be a mole or an extra nipple. A witch tit is a small cut in the body from cutting the same spot over and over forming a scar pulping up. Generally in hidden areas of the body.. Hold will over the tit, always leaving the servant hungry 

Thought forming

forming thoughts filled with emotions, On the astral thoughts have form and color and can be generated into images with thinking. Thinking assorted thoughts placed in a sphere of information. this is a thought form. they can be directed with will and intention. Charging sigils with thought formation, placing the sigil in a place where one passes by. The one its for unknowingly passes by. That one settles the thinking. and the thought formation works its way into their aura and those thoughts recall to their thinking every time they pass by.

Thought forming is spell casting by thinking. Practice by thinking in form. Thoughts are attracted to alike thinking. colors and vibration and the form of thinking. Love for example is a form of thinking. Murder, rape are forms of thinking that come with a set of strong emotions... 

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