
Chapter Twenty-three - The Copper Key

The Copper Key

 The key is a useful item when it come to influencing and attracting the lovers around you. In the crowds of the many feeling all left alone. Finding no one to play form your self a key to unlock those lustful desire of heated passions of the mind. 

 Forge copper into a clay imprint forming your desired shape of key you can enchant the key with attracting energies that enhance your own feelings with a directed thought the key will influence the sexual centers. Enhancing their own desires flowing with images of you as you are sending heated waves of energy threw Venus. The copper acts as a current sending energy out in your directed thinking.

 Try it, sit in a room do nothing but turn heads and find aromas  and smiles filling the air, with deep blushing glances. return a smile and find your self invited to more then one bed at a time. 

 Magic is in the air and the smell of roses can be more then attracting. The scent is a basic way of influence. Good food and good smells are attracting. Using them in the magical arts is appealing. As you can make food taste better by the way you treat it before you kill it. By the way you handle it with your magical hands and the way you think about it. It all plays a part. It is the instinct we are influencing to entice.

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The Witches Cradle 

 Diving deeper and deeper into the times long ago, when dragons still roamed freely. The practice of the witches cradle. A practice of freeing your self of your flesh and entering in the great beyond life. Out of body and into the astral. 

 Much like the black room we are working to move beyond the flesh while still in the flesh. It is the physical senses we are escaping from. More so learning how to shut one part of the mind off to open a different part. allowing the spiritual to open up to us.
 The cradle is a soft leather body suit attached to a board. The board is hook and hoist to suspend you in a standing position. The suit is made in a way that it will not let you move. You have a small slit for your nose air and the rest of you is held tight. 

Having a trusted watcher to watch over you for 72 hours as you go threw a change of being. It will feel as if you are being reborn. The time in the cradle forces you to confront your fears with in you. It opens your mind to all that you have done. 

 Having some one to watch over your physical being helps slightly. They should have a bath and food and a bed ready. Being unable to move for 72 hours is a tiresome ordeal but one that is worth the experience. 

 This is a true meaning of die hard self in magical training. It will feel as if you died and was left standing in judgment. Pushing your limits in facing your unknown side in the cradle knowing. 
 Should something happen to your trusted one. The likeness of getting out is starving to death unable to do any thing about it but hang to a slow cringing hunger.

 The idea of  the cradle its self is to bring up your worst thinking facing your inner fears face on with only your mind. It is ideal your trusted one be trusted to hold you till the 3 day candle burns out on its own. 

 After facing your fears you should be rewarded to reinforce your ability by praise of fellow witches. Giving the coven reason for a party in honor of being mentally reborn into the light magical realms of reality.   

The Other Side the cradle

We find our selves in a mental world we can not seem to awaken from. The lights they come on you know. Then the darkness of mind is gone and it begins to fill with emotions and memories. Odd forms and shapes fill your mind with sight and sound. 

Unable to move, a frantic feeling and a souring of the gut accrues as a burning rises and nerves come undone. You want to scream but your mouth dose not open. The struggle of freedom over comes you and the lights go out. 

You awaken the fear has eased but instantly new images start forming in your mind. These images will relate to your personal personality. They will reflect you to you and you will see your self in a different light. You will fight and likely win. If you loose the candle goes out and the trusted one brings in a body bag. You lost the struggle within... You will just have to find a new body and try it again. 

None have been lost to the cradle. None that I know of.  Going threw a cradle is like a rebirth into a magical realm on the physical plane of existence.

Now having a crisper insight of your limitations, having surpassed them both on a mental and physical level.

Once we have rested, We go to our book of shadows and begin recalling and recording your events. A lot of symbols with meaning to you alone will have passed threw mind. recalling every thing, every time is impossible . Not to worry a memory only fades never completely. All memory is recorded in light. May take some stirring to get it to resurface but it is there. 


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