
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Smoke em plans

 O my goddess I got to thinking and the days grew in blooming wonders, Filled with smoking ideas. Mindful play under the sun shine. Smoking fish and meats with the idea of a life time. Thank you wonderful collective. For teaching me all these new life skill. Threw videos filled with personality and direction in spiritual and scientific theories. All the beautiful telizing of my eyes. The input has been awesome, as I have learned and have grown within and with out.  Threw you all, new ideas bloom fruitful having all the parts to lay out a wonderful smoking plan.

Follow the link because this machine is ideal for burning wood chips into flavored oils for liquid smokes.  On a small level for a single family for home recipes. This would be a perfect investment 

 I would like to find a land owner to go into business with, smoking and farming meats and fish. The idea of growing a garden fed co2 from the smokers into cold water beds and pumped into green houses. By cold water extraction and condensing the smoke into oils use in my BBQ souses. Pumping the burnt left over air and filtering it threw the water in the garden beds where herbs, tomatoes, garlic, oregano, chives and all the good things that makes souses - souses all tasty and nice. 

 A wide range of hot to green peppers and onions gardening up right in garden domes with waterfalls and under foot fish farms. Creating a little piece of heaven on earth by 2020. 

 I would want to build a kitchen and hire some people for canning and bottling and packaging Smoked meats and fish,  hams and chickens all family friendly raised setting up a butchering area and a baking area to turn the left overs from butchering into bone meal powder.  Mixing it with ash and left overs from the garden in compost piles that are spread out to dry. To activate plant food just add water and the salts from the ash break down the meal into pure plant food.

 I would use the better scraps with the better plant scraps and grind them together, bake them into pellets to make dog and cat food.

 I would incinerate their sewage along with my sewage again extracting the oils to decay into methane and using the left over ash in compost for flower beds and lawns.  

 I would offer my smoking skills to those looking to have game smoked and hire as many natives in the area as I could. To open up trade with the great lakes and all the lands and peoples between here and there.  

 With the smokers running and the gardens growing year round exporting and import and creating new forms of employment growing into Garden dome homes to water cleaning power plants. where we can fund employed education programs into space exploration. 

 Building into a self sustaining water garden system. with a flat in the upper loft for live in care takers each dome having a packaging number for freeze dried and packaged foods. Domes could grow cook and sell fresh from the farms to a rail way that travels in a two way circle feeding larger cities and ports around the US Continental. Filling the great planes with domed homes and feeding the world around.  

Selling utilities to the world around to fund space exploration and comet mining. That's right flying around grappling comets and mining for rare metals and oddities of space. 

All the while conquering the last and taming the seas. turning the dome into a ball with an under port for deep sea fish farming and cleaning water threw evaporation - condensation to revitalizing by implosion on mineral stone to condition it into the perfect soft drinking water, treated with silver and gold to make a long lasting and healthy glass bottled water. Pipped into land where it can  be turned into soft natural flavors using melons and cherry with carbon and non carbon drinks.

There out in the ocean blue is a floating gold mine. Awaiting to be netted up and turned into oil. Plastic to oil as well all organic garbage can be smoldered into smoke that can be refined by many different extraction methods namely cold water filtration.

Hot damn there is so much more I'd like to do and would do should I ever find a foot hold in the right mode to make leaps and bounds in a foreword motion. 

I do say walk with me, let us be gardeners of souls and open heavens doors on earth. We will change the world for the betterment of all earth dwelling alike. Good deeds for good deeds and the worlds needs are met in kindness... A kind world is a sunny happy world. A hated world sours and storms about.Love and live well...